(2 replies, posted in The NASTE Library)

I must be blind. I don't see the flyer for Rob Hansen's track. Maybe it's my computer?

I don't see any rules Bill. smile

Guess I have to read new posts slower! tongue

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(5 replies, posted in The NASTE Library)

I don't remember the racing or that Hobby shop, but I do remember Fred Meyer! That was THE shopping area for around here back in the day!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, those were very spacey cars. Thanks to Amanda for the little guys in them. Terry did a great job fixing them up too.

Thanks too Bill for the very nice compliments on your story for our race. So many nice things you said and it made Terry's night. He read it yesterday and when he got back on the computer last night, he called me down here so I could read the story. I'm so glad you enjoyed the race at our home!


(15 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thank you Bill. Yes, it's kind of hard to see anything in the night racing video.


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

You're welcome Bill. They each have 2 views so you and I at least watched them! tongue

Here are the Halloween race videos. Better late than never.


http://youtu.be/HB_4ZRxPMjM Night Racing!


(15 replies, posted in NASTE)

Okay! Better late than never!!! Here are the two videos from NASTE Halloween 2013! tongue


http://youtu.be/HB_4ZRxPMjM Night Racing!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks again for coming out to race on Saturday. I'm glad you had a good time and got plenty to eat. So sorry to Rico for his super bad luck all night. sad Glad you did have some fun though!
Here are some videos from the evening. Too bad I didn't get the one race where Rico was teasing Monte with his car. tongue

NASTE Terry 3-15-14

http://youtu.be/TS6g2fqg_nI 2

http://youtu.be/r0fhw5xtOm8 3


(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well, I didn't need rum balls, but that Kaluha and chocolate milk seemed to be very helpful. smile


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for coming out to race! It was great having you all there. Sure seemed like everyone had fun.

Terry did a great job on those Space Race cars. smile Very happy they held together all night.

Congrats to Dave and Terry (home track advantage) on winning!

Here are the pictures from the night. Will throw up the videos later.

http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 015%202014


(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

Holy Moly! I didn't mean to open up a whole can of worms! Sorry. I'll try to behave myself from now on and not ask any more questions.

Here's the second video that Victoria took at her race on Sunday.
http://youtu.be/nsgeU6J6KSU #2

I only did so good there because Experts weren't there to race and I won't be beating anyone on our track as I don't practice on it at all.


(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

WOW! Discussion on whether I'm an Expert? I'm flattered, but confused.
I see the rules now that Bill has explained them, but does that mean then that everyone who has gotten 20, 19 or 18 points for a race is now an expert because that is what is given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd? If so, then there are a lot of people who need to get moved up too. Looking at the totals on the points board, Thomas has a 20 and two 18's, Todd has two 19's, Russell has a 20 and 18, Tyler has two 19's, Victoria has a 20 and 18, June has a 20 and 18, Mitch has two 19's, Perry has an 18 and Kira has an 18. I have three 19's. So by those totals, we have a lot of people who have come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall in the total for a night of racing, so does that mean we all move up to Expert?
I'm so confused. smile


(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

One video Victoria took finally uploaded. smile I think I need to restart the computer before attempting the other one. Thanks again for the racing!



(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

Just sent the photo link out to you on FB too if we are friends. Sorry Bill. You don't seem to be on FB any longer so I sent them to Diane. Please apologize to her for me if it was an intrusion.


(29 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thank you Monte and Victoria for an interesting night of racing! The food was good, company was better and I had a nice time.

Congrats to Monte and Rico for winning! That was some fast and furious racing. smile Having 30 second heats for that new scoring experiment worked better than I thought it would, but too bad for Bill when his car got put back in the wrong lane. sad

Terry explained to me that if I had won last night, I would have moved up to the Expert division so Thank You Rico for beating me and I am VERY happy to have come in second! ;~}

Here are the pictures from yesterday.
http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 023%202014

Thank you to whomever it was who took my camera and shot video. There are a couple of nice ones on there and I'll be uploading them with no changes. The others I shot will have to wait until I edit them together.

Thanks again Monte and Victoria!

Glad you enjoyed your beach trip Bill. What a great win at the casino too! Can't do much better than that! smile What a find on the model too. You were in the right place at the right time.

Thanks Howie for commenting and posting your point of view. I'm still learning all the ins and outs. That's why I'm asking questions about rules, tracks and scoring. I hope I never throw a tantrum to get thrown out of your place because that would mean I'm horrible since it takes a LOT to get you angry. Hope you were able to sleep last night. smile

I'm sure you're right Bill. Rules are necessary just to keep people honest and fair, but no one wants to be the bad guy with enforcing them, so they constantly get broken. smile I guess as long as you don't 'ask' me to leave, then I'll be alright. tongue Hope you're having a wonderful time at the beach.


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

You're welcome Bill. I do like making sweet treats. smile

Thanks Bill and Monte. So, no consistency on tracks and no consistency on points awarded or how races are run. Makes for interesting competition as no one knows exactly how things go. Hm...
At least with Monte posting too, I see that there are no rules to racing nor code of conduct for racers. I was going to ask about that next since I didn't see rules listed any where on here. lol
Conduct code as in yelling at turn marshal's (guilty), yelling at drivers (guilty), crashing people on purpose (not guilty), etc.
I'm beginning to think that maybe I am one of those not suited for NASTE racing. lol I like a bit more stability in rules and such and having things different from track to track doesn't seem all that right to me. smile I guess I don't adapt well to surprises. smile
Congrats Monte on doing so well at the races you attended.
Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions. Apparently I was the only one who didn't know things as no one else piped up with questions or concerns. I learned quite a bit.

Thank you Bill for taking time to explain some things and give your point of view. Yes, I do believe getting screwed is a rule. LOL It's too bad some people get more than their fair share of that bad luck though. tongue Some people are naturally more lucky than others. You can adapt, evolve and try to overcome adversity, but sometimes that is impossible with bad luck.

Forgive me for not knowing something that might be obvious to others, but that's why I'm asking. Maybe I'll understand better with more knowledge.

Which brings up another question to my mind. Why is the Salem race allowed to be different and run with no tenths factored in? If it's total laps accumulated over all of the heats, doesn't that make a huge difference by not using tenths? I recall several NASTE race finishes that were won or lost by a tenth or so. Tenths could play a big part in where you finish for the season too as results from races not using tenths could have different people in different places and points awarded would be different.

Another nickels worth. smile

Nicely said Bill, but you left out luck of the draw is a plus too. smile

Placement in a heat race can make a big difference. If you are in the first heat where you race one or two of the lanes and then sit out till you cycle back in it can throw you off. If you get placed between two really good drivers it will usually help because you can see how they are driving. If you get placed next to a slower driver it can affect you as you need to take time to find a safe place to pass, especially if they are trying to play nerfing games.

In Salem, placement can really change your finish position. If you cycle through with better drivers you will have a hard time winning a heat or even staying on the lead lap. If you cycle through with drivers of your ability or lesser you have a better chance of winning heats and scoring better. An Expert racer running against Amateurs in a race is more likely to finish first with more laps. If it's a race that stops when the first person reaches a certain amount of laps, Amateurs will probably never get a chance to get the maximum laps possible running against Experts. And the Experts who gets to run against the Amateurs, gets a boost over the other Experts who only run against other Experts.  Since you only get credit for laps completed, with the winner getting 30 and everyone else 29 or less, luck of the draw can be huge.

So, some times Luck, either good or bad, plays a factor too. My two cents worth. Well, maybe a nickels worth. Feel free to throw back some change! smile


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for a night of racing. The trip to and from was an adventure, but Bill is a splendid driver and he can chauffeur me any time! Thanks Bill. I like practicing on that track. Too bad there weren't more racers, but know the snow kept some away. Very lucky for the Expert racer who got to go up against the Amateurs though. smile
Dave built some terrific cars because they sure took a beating, but kept on running!! Amazing! I really thought I'd broken one for sure.
Here are the pictures I took from Saturday. Got only a couple of racing ones as I was marshaling. Yes, they had ME on a corner and still managed to crash in front of me. *headshake* Will they never learn? tongue
Thanks to Art for the use of his track. Wish it were a little closer to town so we could race on it more often.

http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 208%202014


(2 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Thank you for a great race day. Food was good, racing fast and furious and Victoria brought out UpWords for us to play.
YES! My new snack carrier works great! Thanks to Monte for that wonderful gift!!! smile It holds plenty of treats!
Here are the photos I took from the day. Thanks again Monte and Victoria!
Monte First Sunday 2-2-14
http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 202%202014


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for a great night of racing Bill. I like running those cars. Thanks for fixing the car for me too. smile

http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 025%202014


(1 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks to Bryan and Sherry, we were able to eat good food and then race on their track. The first NASTE race of 2014. Food was terrific and racing was pretty good. lol Lots of tires flying all over the place and it really looked like the so called Experts needed a bit more practice as they seemed to be crashing more than the Amateurs were. tongue More cars off the track than there were corner marshals to put them back, but we all seemed to have a fun time anyways. Congrats to Bryan for winning BOTH races on his own track. It was good to see Randy and Mitch again and to meet new comer Lacey. Jeff moved up to race again after he won the A division in the first race and then Thomas did that in the second race. Cute cars for the second race although they did look vaguely familiar. big_smile Hope to see more of you next time.

Here are the pictures. Didn't get to take many as I was marshaling when I wasn't racing.

http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 011%202014