(26 replies, posted in Events)

It's Boulder City Nevada, Mitch. I'll be there from 3/2 to 3/12. I'll try to qualify the cars before then, so we have an idea of what order to run them in.


(26 replies, posted in Events)

We could run the crap car and the Porsche 908 together, I guess. Since there are only 7 cars, it won't take long. If not, I will have to wait until after 3/12, as we're going to Boulder City to go through my father-in-law's stuff (he passed away last Thursday). Might be best to wait until March.


(26 replies, posted in Events)

Does that mean you can participate, since you're here?



(26 replies, posted in Events)

What does everybody think about Thursday, 2/24? We could run it like an "Even Thursday" race. I'll have snacks and stuff available. If we can get 5 or 6 people, that would be great; 4 drivers and a couple of marshals should do the trick.

Any interest?


(26 replies, posted in Events)

Okay, I have dates free for 2/22 thru 2/28. Anybody free for running the proxy on any of those days?


(26 replies, posted in Events)

Great! Thanks, Mitch!


(26 replies, posted in Events)

I have been selected to run a round of the 2021-22 Porsche 908 3D Printed Proxy, featuring cars (all Porsche 908s) that have at least a 3D printed Porsche body, and may have other parts printed. The cars are on their way to me now, and i was just wondering if there would be any interest in folks driving?

There are only 7 cars in the proxy, so it won't take much time. I will probably hold it on a weekend, as that's when I have more time to fool around with the track.

Any interest? It'll probably be within the next couple of weeks.



This has undoubtedly been posted before, but what can I do to upgrade Ninco Classic wheels and tires?

What do others use wheel-wise, and what tires fit? Either I'm an idiot (pretty probable) or I just don't know where to look, but I can't seem to find dimensions for aluminum wheels that duplicate Ninco classics, and given that, don't know what tires to choose to put on those wheels.



(3 replies, posted in Cars)

Santa was very good to my slot addiction this year; I have a LOT to spend on hobby related stuff.

I have a few questions on possible cars I'd like to have/do have but don't have "class legal" accoutrements.

1. I love the look of the Thunderslot McLaren Elva. As far as I can tell, it's only allowed to run in the "open" class. Is that true?
2. I love the Revo Slot Ueno Clinic McLaren. Does that run in the LMP class?
3. If I replace the motors in my Ninco classics with the H&R "Jackrabbit" (14K) motors, they're legal then?
4. Gears and tires can be replaced on Classic 1 cars, right? (as long as frame is solid and pods if any are glued)

Trying to ensure that I can run the cars I have without having to buy a bunch of new stuff. The $$ I got for Xmas will go to improving/making class legal the cars I already have.

Thanks for any info on the above.

I will have a couple of cars for this eventually. Would love to race them.


(8 replies, posted in Events)

I can be there Sunday.


(9 replies, posted in Events)



(9 replies, posted in Events)

That's very generous, Monte, but wouldn't I have to think about modifying a bit to be competitive in a proxy? (Depending on rules of course; if the rules specify "box stock" then a loaner is fine...) I wouldn't want to mess up one of your cars!


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I can host. I don't have a Group C car.


(8 replies, posted in Events)

Keep me in mind for driving...

I can't believe you thought a child's game was more important than slot racing!

Just kidding. Great result for Dom and Dad both!
Well done!


(4 replies, posted in Cars)

Not my cup of tea, but if it "floats your boat" have at it. I like a car that needs some driving; most of the wing cars I've seen on glued tracks just require one blip of the controller. When you can negotiate a Blue King in 1.5 seconds, there's something wrong.


(3 replies, posted in Track)

Yes, Chris, many opportunities to forego racing. My problem is that it's in our Airbnb structure and thereby off-limits when guests are around, which is, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), a not so rare occasion these days. We just have to decide on an open date and block the Airbnb calendar so the space is free. Should be less busy in the winter, and now that the place is insulated and heated, racing in the winter is a strong possibility.

I will let everyone know when we have another open date!


(3 replies, posted in Track)

You're very welcome, Mitch. Maybe next time we'll get some more folks to show up!


(6 replies, posted in Events)

Sorry to hear that, Doc. Catch you next time. Great, Al! See you and Donna tomorrow!


(6 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks, Mitch! See you tomorrow.


(6 replies, posted in Events)

Still planning to have this race if I get any takers. So far, no one has responded YES, so please let me know how much chili I need to make....


(39 replies, posted in NASTE)

How's the performance of the others, Mitch?


(39 replies, posted in NASTE)

Anyone have a Thunderslot that's NOT a Lola? I'd like to get one of their cars, but would like it to be different...