(28 replies, posted in Cars)

Here's our new class! Perfect for the Hills.

http://www.fantasyworldhobbies.com/cata … ts_id=5504

http://www.fantasyworldhobbies.com/cata … ts_id=5503


(15 replies, posted in Track)

I cleaned my HO chassis with a little WD-40 to loosen up the built up grime, followed by a couple blasts of compressed air from a spray can (office duster). And I do it in the garage with the chassis sitting on some old rags to stay happily married. Don't try this inside the house, kids...;-)


(7 replies, posted in Modifications)

Yes, I did not mean to imply to soak the body in brake fluid.

Pour a little bit of brake fluid in a small cup and soak a Q-tip in the fluid, then rub the Q-tip over the tampo you want to remove.


(7 replies, posted in Modifications)

I am (slowly) working on converting a Porsche 917 without the little fins in the back to one with them. I purchased the Fly 917 kit (Buenos Aires) and had to strip the decals/tampo off to get a clean white body. However, soaking in Simple Green for over a week didn't remove a thing. Rubbing alcohol worked with equally bad results. What did the trick for me was rubbing the tampo print with a cotton tip soaked in brake fluid. Make sure you wear gloves as brake fluid sucks the moisture right out of your skin. The body paint is still spotless but the tampo print is gone.

I found this method googling for "stripping model kits" and this was one of the methods. There are videos available showing the process. Supposedly soaking them in lye works great too, but finding lye based cleaners at the (ACE) hardware store was a little challenging. Oven cleaners are usually lye based but I wasn't too sure about the other compounds in it, even though people on the web recommended it for stripping model kits. Using the brake fluid soaked cotton tip I had a little more control over the amount I applied. I left a couple of tampo prints I liked on.

After the brake fluid treatment wash the body in mild soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

I did have another body that had water slide decals on and they came off like a charm using Simple Green.


(15 replies, posted in Cars)

I got me one of thems at home. Perhaps I should put it up for bid ;-)


(15 replies, posted in Cars)

Speaking of vintage slot cars...

Look at this! http://cgi.ebay.com/Fleischmann-EMPTY-o … 1|294%3A50

I'm surprised this has seven bids on it.


(15 replies, posted in Cars)

Well, that's a lack in my knowledge (obviously). I was aware of other German and French slot car brands, but never knew (or had already forgotten) that Marklin was in the game too. Rico, Maerklin is just another way of writing M


(15 replies, posted in Cars)

Maerklin? Are you sure it's Maerklin, not Fleischmann?

Any pictures? Or links?


(28 replies, posted in Cars)

Agreed, they are UGLY!!! But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?

That said, I don't really care for the looks of the EVO Porsches either...


(28 replies, posted in Cars)

I have dealt with that eBay seller (Lakotacollectibles) Rico is referring to and I found him pleasant to deal with. I thought he's usually a little on the high side with his pricing but these Fly Evo's seem pretty reasonable in price compared to others.

Since I missed the whole conversation leading up to this thread, are we planning on developing a Fly racing class with these Evo's? What happened to AJ's suggestion of using the new Fly Daytona prototypes? They are "in print", easier to come by and cheaper.

Again, I'm not familiar with what led to this thread, so you can take my comments any way you see fit. ;p


(10 replies, posted in Cars)

Don't you have a living room?


(3 replies, posted in Track)

When I visited Luf Linkert in Vancouver BC he said that silicone tires don't work on routed (painted) track. He used stock tires or the home made (Winnipeg) tires that are comparable to the ones Glenn made for us. I did read that there are many different recipes for making urethane tires but in general they are the same. The 1/32 cars  on Luf's tracks performed well. You can watch some of the cars going around the track on his website to get an idea of the handling of the cars.

The Big Lots on McLoughlin Avenue in Milwaukie has a good supply of these 1/24 scale Revell NASCARs in stock. Other stores in the area may have them as well. The go for $5.00. If you need a modern NASCAR body for your 1/24 chassis here's your change.

This weekend I ordered two more controllers to complete a four lane setup. I already had red and blue and wanted clear and yellow from Fantasy World. However, they only had purple and blue available, but at the last minute found a set of yellow handles that they swapped for the blue. So today, when I unpack the box I am quite surprised to see a yellow and a red controller appear. What I called red Parma calls magenta, and what Fantasy World called purple was (you guessed it) that same Parma magenta color. Parma does make a true purple controller but Fantasy World doesn't have those.

Purple: http://www.shopatron.com/img/product_images/137/149b129590d5b88d2d9f637aa85b48bf.jpg

Magenta: http://www.shopatron.com/img/product_images/137/0649279a2a9ba86f6ff77fac161d7784.jpg

So, who has Parma Economy controllers and don't care about the color. I would like to have my controllers match the lane colors so my first choice would be the clear controller handle to run the white lane. http://www.shopatron.com/img/product_images/137/x1_13a083e3c721585ec13edfd1450aa4b7.jpg

Let me know if you can swap a clear handle for my magenta (red) handle.


(7 replies, posted in Track)

15 rental units???

Who are you? Rico the Slum Lord? Do you have relatives back in Jersey? ;-)

Happy holidays everyone.

I'll pick up some more lights and start fidgeting as soon as I can. I think I can whip up a proof of concept before Christmas.


(7 replies, posted in Track)

Yes, these lights are BRIGHT. They are similar to the ones Howie used in his turn lights. But those were battery operated.


(7 replies, posted in Track)

Sure Monte, with two kids, a new cat and a trip to see the family for Thanksgiving I have TONS of time to do this. I just provided a concept. But I will plug in the string of icicle lights tonight and snap a picture. Not sure when I will have time to upload it. ;-)

Anyways, perhaps the sturdier Plastistruct tubes will work better than a flimsy drinking straw.


(7 replies, posted in Track)

Last night I purchased a string of LED icicle lights at Target. I had purchased a number of strings at Costco a couple of weeks earlier but found that I was short one strand. Unfortunately, Costco was sold out so I stopped at the neighboring Target. The ones at Target were made by Philips while the ones from Costco were made by GE. The GE ones were not as bright and more of a warm white or yellow color tone. The Philips ones were cool or bright white.

This made me think. A strand of 70 lights costs $14.99 at Target. That's about $0.21 per LED. Way cheaper than buying high-intensity LEDs from an electronics store. So if you want to add lights to your slot car, or need to replace burnt out lights you can use these LEDs.

But the other application I thought of is track lighting. A strand of 70 lights runs on 120Vac so all you have to do is extend the wires to each light with some smaller gauge wire (you run a next to nothing current through it), run them through a bendable drinking straw. Paint the straw gray or black and glue them next to the track. You can cover lots of track this way and all you have to do is plug them in an outlet.


(38 replies, posted in Digital Racing)

I have Scalextric Digital at home. A lot of it hasn't even left the packaging but I have designed a 12x6 layout with varying lane width section (no pit) that can run up to four cars. Currently I have four A1GP digital cars, but in the near future may upgrade four JGTC cars to digital. I will have to build a modular table (three 4x6 section) for easy storage as I cannot leave it up all the time.

Subtracting the three worst scores for each driver this is he ranking right now.

Bryan must win tonight to score a perfect season. Good job, Monte, for making it hard on him last week. Two good old father-son struggles going on (Randy over Byron by one, Rico over AJ by four).

1        140        Bryan
2        124        Monte
3        121        Randy
4        120        Byron
5        112        Tim
6        106        Rico
7        102        AJ
8        84        Art
9        66        Frank
10        64        George
11        62        Dennis
12        57        Gearloose
13        53        Bill B.
14        47        Steve
15        46        Jack Attack
16        20        Glenn
16        20        John B.
18        14        John G.
19        12        Charlie
20        8        Squeak
20        8        Bad Bob
22        7        Victoria
23        5        Jack (Ethan)
23        5        Rodric


(0 replies, posted in Cars)

I found this on eBay. Before we start outbidding each other shall we come to an agreement and coordinate our bids?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … SS:US:1123

Either post here or let me know by email.


(28 replies, posted in Cars)

reek455 wrote:

George- Dave Kennedy Jr. has several articles on Slot Car Illustrated on how torque is measured. These are located in the forum section. Basically it is just attaching an arm to a motor and using a digital scale measuring the amount of force generated and plugging figure into a mathmatical equation.

Hi Rico,

I was aware of the procedure on how to measure torque and the physics behind it. What my short question to Bill did not explain was that I wanted to know how *BILL* tested for torque. In other words, what his test bench setup was.

My apologies for not being clear.


(28 replies, posted in Cars)

I have seen that before just recently. From memory I want to say it was on my yellow Slot-It motor. As far as I can remember that is the only motor I've looked at recently.


(28 replies, posted in Cars)

How do you test/measure torque? What 'mistake' are you talking about when it comes to the mounting of the brushes?


(34 replies, posted in BSCC)

I suggested a higher cap to "deter" people from going the incremental route. Or you can say that paying up front gives you a discount.