I can live with that! Been called much worse!
927 June 11, 2021 2:51 pm
Re: MONDAY OT (Open Track) (140 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
I spent some time in the "wrecking yard" today. As I mentioned in my previous post I plan to have some "stuff" available for purchase at Monday's track day. So far I have some Flexi type chassis and some Womp chassis. There is everything from bare chassis to rollers, and even a couple RTRs. Prices will vary, depending upon condition and how complete they are. Figure $2 to $15 for Flexi's and Womps. I will also have clear bodies, new, used, and some factory painted. The clear bodies will go for $1 to $10, and I also have a bunch of used bodies for free. I will be digging out more stuff before Monday.
I am thinking about doing some advertising for the track here in Vancouver. Maybe some flyers in a couple of the hobby shops up here, or maybe even a Craigslist ad. Inslot's Checkered Flag is well suited to Flexi type cars, as well as Womps. I think if I promote some Flexi and Womp racing along with the current club classes (NWTS, OSCAR, NASTE) there might be some Vancouver area folks that used to race that may join us. If not the Flexis and Womps would at least make for some cheap fun once in awhile!
928 June 11, 2021 2:37 pm
Re: Projects: Done/Not So Done (258 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
For some unknown reason my cars seem to get wider as they enter the turns!
929 June 8, 2021 2:10 pm
Re: MONDAY OT (Open Track) (140 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
Cool, we'll be here!
930 June 8, 2021 7:54 am
Re: MONDAY OT (Open Track) (140 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
Yesterday was the first open track day, and although not many people attended I saw quite a few different types of cars making some laps. First to show up was Doc. He ran some of his NASTE spec 1/32 cars. What became evident right off the bat was the need to get the car's guide flags lowered. With the recessed braid on ICFR versus the copper tape tracks most cars are set up for, there definitely was not enough guide flag extending into the slot, and not good enough electrical contact on the pickup braid. Other than that all the cars Doc ran seemed to perform well with many cars running under the 6 second mark.
Mitch came by with some of his Northwest True Scale cars. Since the track was built primarily for 1/24 cars Mitch's cars did not suffer from any of the issues the 1/32 cars experienced. Bart showed up shortly after and unloaded some NWTS cars as well. He put down some serious laps with his Early Modified and Can Am cars. John arrived with a box full of OSCAR spec cars. He got in some good practice laps with three of his Clubman cars.
There was just a little discussion in regards to what the Monday track days should look like. The decision was to keep it casual and not have a structured race schedule. One thought was a casual race could be "scheduled" by the racers in attendance for the next Monday. The attending racers would determine what class would be raced. The doors would still open at 1:00 PM, and the race would "tentatively" start around 5:00 PM or 6:00 pm. I would post the plan for the next Monday here, and add the details to the schedule on the NASTE Calendar.
There was also some talk of racing some Flexi type cars. The OSCAR racers in Bend race these types of cars and Bob Nak has been working to promote this class around here. In Bend they race 4 1/2 inch wheelbase cars and they are a lot of fun.
So before next Monday I am going to make an attempt to get some of the parts I have, as well as some "used" Flexi cars put out on display and for sale. I will have new parts for 1/32 cars used in NASTE spec races, as well as used and some new parts for current 1/24 cars and vintage cars. This gentlemen is this week's mission! I will keep you posted here as to how it is going!
931 June 4, 2021 4:07 pm
Re: NASTE 2021 Point Series Championship - Results & Standings (35 replies, posted in NASTE)
NASTE 2021 Point Series Championship Race No.4 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway June 3, 2021
Race Results - LMP Class:
1 Zack 83.9 Laps - 5 points.
2 Daniel 83.8 - 4 pts.
3 Al 79.7 - 3 pts.
4 Rico 78.5 - 2 pts.
5 Chris 74.7 - 1 pt.
Current Standings for the 2021 NASTE Point Series Championship After 4 Races:
1st Daniel - 20 pts.
2nd Al - 17 points.
3rd Zack - 13 pts.
4th Rico - 12 pts.
5th - tie Tom - 4 pts.
5th - tie Mitch - 4 pts.
7th Greg - 3 pts.
8th Chris - 1 pt.
932 June 4, 2021 3:51 pm
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,123 replies, posted in NASTE)
Race results from the June 3rd, 2021 races:
933 May 31, 2021 10:41 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,123 replies, posted in NASTE)
I don't see any need to "remove" any of the classes. If they are not raced that's fine, but at some point in the future there may be a desire to fire up an old class again. For example since I now have a track that accommodate 1/24 cars I will probably bring back some of the "old" NASTE classes for 1/24 cars. I had to do some searching but, I found the old rules from when NASTE was first established. At that time we were racing all 1/24 scale cars. Finding the old rules saves me from writing new ones! As a rule NASTE has never thrown out old rules. They were either updated or if a particular class was not being raced the rules for that class were just "inactive". If there's interest I could put together a full list of rules, listing them on two separate sheets one for active and one for inactive. I would update the lists each season so everyone knew which classes were being raced and which weren't.
934 May 28, 2021 2:45 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
A Revell 1/24 Stingray in need of restoration.
Here's another common Cox car, the BRM F1 in 1/24. This one is rough!
935 May 28, 2021 2:38 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
This is an early NASTE Legends Class car. These cars were based on Parma 1/32 Legends clear bodies. It was a spec chassis, built out of a single piece of .062" brass strip. The front of the chassis strip was bent up for a guide flag mount. The rules called for a TYCO HO can motor, 48 pitch gears, and the use of stock Parma Flexi front wheels and O ring tires. The motors were soldered directly to the brass strip chassis. We considered them 1/24 scale Legends cars. These cars were a blast on my short little 3 lane routed 1/24 track. the best thing was we could use our worn out Parma Flexi rear tires on these things! I do not know for sure who built this car, the chassis looks like my build, but I did not paint that body.
A padlock motored 1/24 dragster I picked up somewhere.
Although it has been painted, this is a pretty nice 1/24 K&B Cobra Daytona Coupe.
Ferrari body on a Dynamic sidewinder 36D chassis.
936 May 28, 2021 2:26 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Sratchbuilt 1/24 Can Am car. This chassis looks like it was assembled using one of the "kits" that were available years ago. The kits contained all the parts cut to size so all you had to do was solder all the pieces together. They were great chassis!
Goose 1/32 Eurotoy.
Not sure about this old 1/24 F1. Maybe Rannali...........
937 May 28, 2021 2:16 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
From Goose's collection, this nice 1/24 Can Am car with a Champion chassis.
This is the first Parma I-32 car I purchased sometime in the early 1980's. It was Goose's fault, he introduced me to them! You can see here how I copied Goose's .080" screw technique for securing the body to the chassis. I did not paint the body.
Another 1/32 Eurotoy.
A Classic ASP. These cars had a chassis unique to the ASP only. I'm not sure where I picked this one up. The front half of the body is broken off but reproduction bodies are available.
938 May 28, 2021 2:09 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Vintage F1, Dynamic chassis, inline 26D motor, too cool!
Scratchbuilt F1, plumber type painted brass chassis, 26D motor!
1/32 Monogram Ferrari F1. The body is not complete, but the chassis is pretty nice.
AMT 1/32 Cobra Daytona Coupe with Cox wheels.
939 May 28, 2021 1:55 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Ah yes, everybody has or has had one of these! And most of them are now this rough looking! Cox Chaparral. This one has a nice clean chassis. Can't say much about the body.....
Dynamic with and inline motor.
Another used and abused Cox Chaparral, this time the 2D. It has a nice chassis but not the correct one for the 2D.
Testors' 36D anglewinder.
940 May 28, 2021 1:50 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
From the Gaston collection, a "Padlock" powered scratcbuilt. They had built a few cars using an intermediate gear between the motor pinion and axle spur gear. Some of them were mounted using ball bearings.
DKWW.......Russkit. The chassis is in pretty good shape.
A mostly complete and pretty nice Monogram Scarab in 1/24.
941 May 28, 2021 1:44 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
One of Goose's Womps with a custom fabricated independent front axle.
Back to some more 1/24 that fall into the DKWW category. here's a bolt together chassis with a Russkit motor.
Here's a Champion of Chamblee production chassis that needs a little work. The drop arm guide flag mount is bent but can be repaired. These are cool great handling chassis!
Another early scratchbuilt car from the Gaston collection.
942 May 28, 2021 1:38 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
A couple more of Goose's scratcbuilt 1/32 chassis. The one on the right is powered by a Group 12 motor!
More of Goose's 1/32 cars.
Inline scratchbuilt.
Scratchbuilt brass plate chassis, painted.
Parma I-32 with hex bolts and brass strip body mount.
943 May 28, 2021 1:33 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Goose had some awesome 1/32 scratchbuilt cars!
Here's a trademark of Goose's some of you may not be aware of. Check out the .080" hex bolts he used to mount the body instead of using pins and tubes. He also used this set up on some of his Parma Womp cars he raced. I copied this idea for awhile. All you had to do was tap out the stock body mounting holes in the chassis. Check out the hand lettering on this body!
Another scratchbuilt where Goose used the hex bolts and a piece of brass strip to secure the body.
944 May 28, 2021 1:26 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Another 1/32 from Goose's collection, this time a Eurotoy. These chassis are still available through Professor Motor.
Another group of 1/32 chassis from The Goose. All scratchbuilt except the Parma I-32 at the upper left.
One of the many scratcbuilt 1/32 cars Goose had. This one is really nice!
945 May 28, 2021 1:21 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Here's some more 1/32 cars that were part of Goose's collection.
Parma International 32s.
Similar to the Parma I-32 but I'm not sure of the manufacturer.
A really nice scratchbuilt!
946 May 28, 2021 1:16 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
These two cars are also from the Jerry & Norton collection. The second car was built with a Champion of Chamblee drop arm.
This is a 1/32 car Glenn Heath built for me. He used a Carrera Torino stock car body and an H&K motor. Glenn was an awesome chassis building in 1/32 and 1/24!
947 May 28, 2021 1:11 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Even the cars that are something less than perfect and pristine deserve respect. Someone took a lot of time and care to built this F1 car. Check out the detail in the rear control arms and front "suspension" springs, and the paint on the driver's helmet. The soldering job doesn't look all that great, but the chassis is pretty straight and level. This car was probably in the hunt for the Concours Award at some race! DKWW.
Here's a group of 1/32 scratchbuilt chassis. These chassis are made for clear bodies and are powered by extremely fast motors, except for the two with Falcon type sealed can motors. The chassis on the lower right I purchased from Bob Ward at a race at Lee Dundas' in the early 1980's. Bob was down from Seattle to do some racing at Lee's. That car is flat AWESOME! The other chassis were from Goose's collection and a couple from Ebay.
I have no idea where this one came from. It seems a little big for a 1/32 car, but a little small to be 1/24. It's cool whatever scale it is and in good shape!
948 May 28, 2021 1:01 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
These Strombecker Ford J cars in 1/24 are kinda hard to come by. This one was in Gary "Goose" Gossett's collection.
Another Dynamic chassis, this one with an inline motor and the optional front "suspension". The body is pretty rough but the chassis is nice!
This one is an unknown for me. At some point I'll do some research in some of my old slot car magazines to figure out what brand chassis it is. But for now it is DKWW....It's in pretty good shape chassis-wise! looks like Joe raced it!
949 May 28, 2021 12:55 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Most everybody will recognize this Cox Ferrari. This one is pretty nice! The body has been painted but they did a really nice job. The chassis is really clean too! It came with both the roadster and the coupe bodies! DKWW
This one is a REALLY early build. Note the lack of actual "slot car" parts in this build, including those rear wheels! If I remember correctly this car was part of the Jerry & Norton Gaston collection.
This Dynamic chassied car powered by a "Padlock" motor (K&B or Pitman) was an Ebay purchase a few years back.
950 May 28, 2021 12:47 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Here's an early scratchbuilt also DKWW.
Here's a later scratcbuild, maybe around early '70s or so, when pan style chassis started becoming more popular. This one's in pretty good shape. A bit of light work and this baby would be ready to put that high power Mura motor to work~