Paving today, I won't have any sweat left by then.


(6 replies, posted in Track)

There is.


(6 replies, posted in Track)

Should be ready for the next season


(11 replies, posted in Track)

I'm game for anything, but then I'm easy.

I already have and a 6th place finish wasn't bad running against those 18K motors.


(4 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Happy Independence Day everybody.

Careful with those fireworks, don't blow your trigger finger off.

Wow, since Doc and Jeff were actually NC Rico and I were first and second and divided by a tenth of a second. That's some close racing.

BTW I fixed that shimmy, one of my front tires had a lump. I've got to stop running those retreads.

Thanks Al and Donna for providing another great evening of racing. Looking forward to getting back to regular hours so I can get a little more racing in. This working from 5:45am to well into the evening is getting old, But those little kids have to have a place to go to school by the end of August.


(45 replies, posted in NASTE)

I can meet you there in the morning. Is 8:30 when you want to meet?


(11 replies, posted in NASTE)

Why didn't you just clean all of the tires between heats like we usually do on Thursdays? That way everybody gets the same chance, that's the whole point of an IROC race after all.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

Your right Bill,
  we were discussing this a few weeks ago. The M/T-1 is a very slow motor without much torque. It won't compete with the H&R motor which excludes a lot of great cars. The Minnow motor is rated at 18K but is not a real powerhouse coming out of the curves. It might be worth setting a few up and doing some comparison testing.  The whole point of slowing the cars down was to make more cars competitive in this class.


(1 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

I was fun Monte. Just gotta love those Jags.


(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

BTW Monte, which one did you get?


(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm not concerned about the plethora of GT40s, but a few of them still had orange bell slot it motors and 10mm tires. Lately I'm getting pretty good times out of my old Ninco C1 Corvette with the universal after market chassis. It was a 6th place car in the Pan-Americana proxy this year with the 14k Jack Rabbit motor in it. Now it has the Hawk motor and seems to run about as well as my GT40.
Enjoy the car Monte, a Slot It with an 18K motor is a joy to drive.

These cars a basically what they run at Howie's with the exception of 3/4" tires, Howie's minimum rear tire size is 1"

Of course Al could always loose a wheel and if you did well with a decent size crowd you could end up back on top.


(4 replies, posted in Race Rules)

It appears to be written this way, but I believe in discussion the switching of cars between heats actually resulted in DNF but you were allowed to continue to participate with another car. 

Perhaps the writer of these rules might peruse them and give us his intended interpretation.

Al got 2nd Doc with 75 laps, Chris came in 1st with an astounding 77 laps and I got 3rd with a paltry 70 laps. It appears that in the series your safely in second place. I'm in third with no mathematical way to catch you unless I win the next race and we have like 40 racers.

Big waves headed your way Doc. 78' off of New Zealand and headed for Hawaii. New record for the southern hemisphere.

Since your over there just hanging around, why don't you just hop over and do something about that volcano for those poor folks on the big island.

Cool, Sundays are good traffic wise.

Nice job with the 908 Doc, I'm going to have to dig mine out and give it some attention.

And thanks Al and Donna for another evening of fun.


(21 replies, posted in Events)

I set up two Div l and two Div ll classic sports cars to next year's specs. I'll bring them tomorrow and we can try them out.

I think yours might be at Al's Bill. I bought one from one of the 3D ( Devis Design) guys who was getting out of the slot car stuff. I haven't used it yet or know how well it works.  You're welcome to give it a try.


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Nice you had a good turnout. I hated to miss it, but since I had the Flu I can't seem to shake this cough. Congrats to all of the participants for having a fun evening.