As an example of the above, I think it was two years ago I finished first in the classic sports car class without winning a single race, just by finishing fairly well through out the season.

When is this move happening? Were in Bend this weekend but I'll be glad to help when I'm not working.

Thanks Doc for hosting a race, we all had a good time. It feels strange to leave the house to go racing without lugging a box of cars out to the truck. BTW When I got home I turned on my track and held the trigger and pushed a car across the dead strip in the other direction and it counted laps, so I reversed the wires in the center lane and it works perfectly. I'll reverse the other two tonight after work.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

What do you want to race Stan?  I can come up with four similar Slot Its, Flys, or other cars like we race on Thursdays, Or I could bring four vintage 1960s Revells with aluminum chassis, or a mix of original brass chassid Monograms and Strombeckers.
There are also come Ninco classics Jag XK120s or the smaller ones 356s and Ferrari 186. If your lane spacing is at least 3 1/4" I have some 1/24 revell and Monograms. These all run well but might provide a small challenge to those used to running finely tuned Slot Its and NSRs.

There, that looks better. Seems like I spend most of my time editing since the stroke.

I'll try to make it. I had too much going on at work to leave early enough to beat the traffic. I know I should learn to deal with the traffic, but I've seen Monte's face when he comes down the stairs. I'm not that strong.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I can also probably come up with four similar cars, however since we all run all of the cars they don't really have to be that close, we spend our time in the super cars and we all get to spend equal time in the lemons too. What flavor of cars interest you?


(8 replies, posted in Cars)

Do we really need another class? But then I would run classic sportscars all the time.

Not just you Doc, it appears to have been having issues.


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Monte is building a new cable for the timing system, so now I just drive until I get bored. We'll probably be able to pick up any empty dates after those with family scheduling issues choose the dates they need.
If we can't get the timing system online we'll need three marshals and a couple of folks to count laps. should be interesting.
On the other hand we have plenty of cars.


(91 replies, posted in Race Rules)

They all have a chance, just how much are you willing to tinker.
I have an old Scalextric DBR1 with about 50% slot It parts, it runs pretty good for an old Scaley.

Al, I've probably got all of those parts if you get to this side of town

I'm still running mid pack with my Fly Carrera 6 AKA 906, it's not a winner but I love driving it. I'm also bringing a Fly Porsche 917 as a back up car in case the 906 goes south.

Great racing, even though I had a lot of deslots with cars that are typically user friendly. I'm not sure that my brain got rewired in the proper slot car configuration.

The Dr. said there were going to be some things I'd have to learn all over.
At the time I thought he was talking about going to the bathroom all by myself, go figure.


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

I just haven't been up to building lately, so I'm bringing the hearse, Which after last month seems kind of fitting.

There's racing at Howie's tonight at 5:00. I got called into work today at the last minute, but I may still be able to make it.


(33 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Howie is was great fun, I hope I didn't burn up your other car too badly.  That was the longest I've been out of the house since the stroke, I was running down quickly towards the end, it was probably a good thing that the car got tired too.

There's Racing at Howie's tomorrow. I'll leave my truck out front so you can find it if you can get off work.


(22 replies, posted in Events)

Not me I'm afraid, I'm still not cleared to drive until next week.



(42 replies, posted in NASTE)

Health issues? Nothing big Doc, I only had a stroke last week. Improving quickly. Neurologist has to release me to be able to drive. Chris is my chauffeur at the moment. I've had my own wheels and the wide road every day since my 15th birthday so this is very strange.


(42 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm not sure where I'll be Thursday, I'm just glad to be vertical at the moment.
I think I like the idea of LMP basically because the class is so broad that almost everybody has something that will fit. Granted with the variety of Manufacturers the performance is all over the place but that seems to happen with just about whatever we decide to race, as least everybody has a starting point without having to go shopping first.


(42 replies, posted in NASTE)

Div 1 Sports cars
Div 2 Sports cars
Can Am


(22 replies, posted in Events)

By the 29th I should be done with this ridiculous schedule, I'll probably make it.

Great job guys.
Bill if you were aiming for that post, you missed it by a good foot and a half. At least with the soft parts.

Doc, I was only talking about my car. I could probably make it faster but I really like driving it the way it is. It may not be fast but it is joyful.

I didn't expect to win Doc, my car has too many original parts.