(21 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Absolutely i would host! Name the date!

Excellent! I'll let you all know when the cars are ready to run.

There are 11 cars in the field. You can see the entries here: https://www.hrwforum.com/forum/proxy-ra … ild-thread

There are several threads detailing cars and results available through this forum link:https://www.hrwforum.com/forum/proxy-racing/other-proxies/3d-vintage-le-mans-proxy-2023

I will let you know details when I have them, Monte!

I have been selected to run a round of the 2023 3D Predator Proxy on my track. The cars are on their way to me from Wisconsin now, but I'll be in Hawaii from 2/7-2/20. After that, I'll be able to host the event. I'll need some drivers to help.

Anybody interested???

All the cars are 3D printed as much as possible—bodies, chassis, wheels etc. Should be interesting to see how the process has progressed in terms of competitive cars.


(6 replies, posted in Events)

Will it NEVER END????

In another play—this one is "Romeo and Juliet Choose Your Own Ending." The audience can make choices to have the traditional R&J die ending or one of 7 others. It can be either traditionally sad or really hilarious, depending on what you choose.

I play the part of Lord Capulet, Juliet's dad (a particularly grumpy soul—my wife says "typecasting").

The play runs March 22 thru April 7. https://www.gallerytheater.org/

So, I'll be absent from racing until the 2nd week in April...but I truly intend to get back. I miss you guys!!


(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yay! Thanks, Bill!


(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

As always, I'll be there. We could do so much better with a few of the "hot hands" in the group. The more folks we have, the easier it is....

13 years old, riding with parents to Winrock Center (big shopping mall in Albuquerque, 75 miles away!), saw "Toys by Roy," the only toy store carrying slot car stuff. Was thrilled to see a Strombecker set. Parents noticed, bought a set for my birthday, and from then on it was rug racing with friends (no commercial tracks in my 7k population town, and 75 miles away was too far). Raced until college, came home one summer to find all the slot car stuff had been given away ("you weren't using it"), along with a whole bunch of comic books, including an original Captain America 3D comic with the original glasses (that I saw selling for $15K at a comic show in 1980). Pretty hard to forgive Mom for that. Slotless until around 1986 or so, when I found a Scalextric Formula 1 set for sale cheap in Santa Barbara. After that, it was buying a lot of Fleischmann stuff from Allied Model Trains in Santa Monica, until Fleischmann stopped making them, and Allied stopped selling slot stuff. Ultimately bought a bunch of Artin track from Slot Car World in Texas, built a huge 4-lane plastic track on my veranda in Palos Verdes, and then replaced the plastic with routed wood, which is what I have now.

After my play is over this weekend, I'll be back to racing as well. Looking forward to seeing you again, Monte!


(6 replies, posted in Events)

Oh no! He's back at it..

https://www.facebook.com/gallerytheater … tid=YxdKMJ

A great cast for this one. 8 more performances, Tonight, Sunday matinee, and then the next two weekends.

I'm planning on arriving sometime on the 9th. Will you be there then?

You're not working with the 24 hour cars, are you?

I'd go, but play rehearsal....


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

It's always fun, and if we are really racing with Darren and others of his caliber, we will have a VERY competitive team (besides me). We could use some extra trigger fingers; you wouldn't regret it!


(8 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks, Doc!


(8 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks, Monte! I'll miss racing!


(8 replies, posted in Events)

My birthday. We went to Benihana's with my mother-in-law, and halfway through the meal she had some sort of seizure, so we spent the rest of the evening in the hospital. She was released late this afternoon (Friday) and appears to be just fine, but it's pretty worrisome for a woman who's almost 92.

And a heck of a birthday evening!

For the next three months I'll be rehearsing on Thursday nights, so I'll miss all of those races. You guys have fun without me!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Any team that can or will beat USC is okay in my book...


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Doc, you're an honorary Oregonian. We need your slot expertise!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Got the part, and checked with the director...no problem attending the 24 hour race, so I'll be there!

Let's get some more Oregonians in the mix!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

That's very good news, Chris! Some of the best drivers around, and good company as well. I have been called back for the part in the play, but I'll see about dispensation from rehearsals from the director if I'm truly chosen.


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

One possible glitch...I have auditioned for the Gallery Theater production of "Anne of Green Gables" (the part of Matthew Cuthbert) which starts on November 24. If chosen for the part, rehearsals may conflict with the 24 hour race. Sometimes, directors will re-arrange things to accommodate this kind of issue, (and I am not assured of a part) so I'm still in the running to go. I will know by Wednesday how things may go.


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thank you Monte!


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

I will be there!

Let's get some of our other hot hands up in Tacoma to show those bums who's best!

Dang! Actually, it was the end of August I was worried about. I will be celebrating 40 wonderful years of marriage with my beautiful wife on a cross-Canada rail trip. Hopefully, the wildfires will be all gone by then...