
(2 replies, posted in NASTE)

Videos from last night's race are here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DotDVErY … load_owner






(2 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks to Bryan and Sherry for hosting the opening race of the season. The food was great and the racing was extremely close! The format for grouping amateurs together for their own race seemed to be popular. We will continue to work to refine the process.

Congrats to Tracy on his second place finish - NICE RUN !!!


Thank you Dorothy. The video and photos came out great!   ----------------Bill

List edited 9/6/2013

Interesting facts regarding NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing:

Started out as NASTE Tuesaday Night Racing.

Races were scheduled on dates Beaverton Slot Car Club was not holding races.

The first race was run on July 31, 2012.

Races rotated host tracks including Penguin Point in Hillsboro, Autumn Hills in Milwaukie, and TooBad Motorplex in Fairview.

In February 2013 the change was made to NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing, with TooBad Motorplex as the host track.

The goal for NASTE Odd Thursday Night racers is to make the Official Winner's List.

To date, 48 races have been run.

Here are the current WIN stats (per The List as of 9/6/2013):

Bryan Trachsel 11 wins
Rico Locati 10 wins
Terry Abbott 4 wins
Greg Petrolati 4 wins
Monte Saager 4 wins
Bill Bostic 3 wins
Dorothy Abbott 2 wins
Tracy Flood 2 wins
Gary "Goose" Gossett 2 wins
Chris Kouba 2 wins
Larry Cockerham 1 win
Bryan Dickerson 1 win
Drew Kinney 1 win
Victoria Saager 1 win

Odd Thursday Night Racing at TooBad Motorplex on September 5th.

Wet, windy, and cooler tonight for a change. Eleven racers made it out for some laps. My Granddaughter Cailin was visiting, so I reversed the order of the classes from how we usually race so she could race in the GT Class (Papa Track Owner Executive Privilege Rule - established 9/5/2013). Chris Kouba supplied a field of 1/24 BRM Porsches for an IROC race to close out the evening. However the race was cut short because we brutally abused the cars and broke the guide flags on two of them. We apologize Chris! Thank you for your patience and understanding, not to mention your generosity!

All in all another fun night of racing! Thank you to all that came out!

Here are the results:

GT Class:

1st Bryan Trachsel 55 laps
2nd Chris Kouba 54
3rd Tracy Flood 53
4th Bill Bostic 52
5th Glenn Heath 52
6th Gary "Goose" Gossett 52
7th Cailin Dunbar 51
8th Tyler Petrequin 51
9th Bryan Dickerson 51
10th Greg Petrolati 46
11th Perry Petrequin 40

Classic Sports Car Class:

1st Greg Petrolati 49 laps
2nd Bryan Trachsel 49
3rd Bill Bostic 48
4th Tracy Flood 47
5th Gary "Goose" Gossett 46
6th Bryan Dickerson 46
7th Chris Kouba 45
8th Tyler Petrequin 42
9th Glenn Heath 40
10th Perry Petrequin 38


(57 replies, posted in NASTE)

The Tuesday night racing has moved to Odd Thursdays.

BBQ photos:

This one pretty well sums it up. Slot racing is serious business!

BBQ photos.

Larry on track while "Goose" watches.

Perry & June Petrequin talking with Dorothy Abbott as Todd Flood works.

A lot going on at the thrash table!

BBQ photos:

Terry Abbott and Bart Currie deep in discussion.

Larry Cockerham and Kerrie Skinner on track.

Gary "Goose" Gossett slot racer and volunteer cookie tester.


(2 replies, posted in Cars)


BBQ photos.

H.O.R.O. HO Racers of Oregon was established in the early 1980's and ran races through the 80's. Here are some of the original members; L - R, "Big Al" Blanchard, Larry Cockerham, Bill Bostic, Glenn Heath, Kerrie Skinner, Bart Currie, and Dave Smith. Kerrie was the first HORO Point Series Champion, as well as the first NASTE Point Series Champion.

BBQ photos.

Greg "Greenman" Petrolati made it out from Carlton.

Greg brought some great cars to sell!

I'm a sucker for "Greenman" slot car ART! I lightened my wallet a little.

Greg had something that appealed to everyone!

BBQ photos.

The arrival of the legendary Kerrie Skinner. Kerrie was the first NASTE Point Series Champion in 1997, 17 years ago!

Al Blanchard greeted by Glenn Heath.

"Big" Al Blanchard and Larry Cockerham.

BBQ photos.

Len & Sue Gillian, and my beautiful wife Diane talking with Jim Jones. Funny, the only photo I was able to get of Jimmy is this one. A note of interest here; "Evil Jimmy" and my dog Zoe A.K.A. The Evil One, both with their backs to the camera!

Victoria Saager.

Perry Petrequin on grandson watch.

BBQ photos:

Dennis Hart and Tyler on track while Perry heads for a corner.

Gary "Howie" Howard and Beau Frazier - NO they didn't get in a fight. Howie has my GT-1 car parts in his hand. He was nice enough to offer to finish it up for me.

Victoria Saager, Glenn Heath, Dave Smith, and Dorothy Abbott deep in discussion.

BBQ photos:

Larry Cockerham & Glenn Heath probably remembering the good old HO days?

Beau Frazier and Paul Painter checking out the stuff in the sell/swap area.

Monte Saager giving advice and parts to the Floods at the thrash table.

More BBQ photos:

Dorothy arrives with ALL the delicious goodies!!!

Tracy helping Todd and Russell with the details.

Thomas "The Chisel" Flood, Paul Painter, Tyler Petrequin on track with Dave Smith watchin' the corner.

How about some photos from the BBQ?

Perry' watching his grand kids and Tyler on track.

The Flood Family Slot Car Thrash.

Glenn & "Flyin" Bryan in the driveway talkin' slot stuff.


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

Check out this scratchbuilt Corvette by Beau Frazier. All NSR running gear and a brass chassis.



Odd Thursday on August 29th. 13 racers made it out to Fairview despite the extreme evening humidity. We first raced the Classic Sports Car Class where Greg "Greenman" Petrolati posted the win. In the GT Class Gary "Goose" Gossett killed the field with his Mr. Slotcar Mazda (no more magnet cars for you Goose!). After we had finished abusing the sports cars and GT's, Chris Kouba brought out his 1/24 scale BRM Porsche 962's for a little IROC action. Rico Locati won that race edging out "Goose" by 3/4 of a lap. All in all it was great fun last night! Thank you all for making it out!

The results:

Classic Sports Car Class:

1st Greg Petrolati 48 laps
2nd Tracy Flood 47
3rd Gary "Goose" Gossett 47
4th Bryan Dickerson 46
5th Chris Kouba 43
6th Dennis Hart 43
7th Monte Saager 42
8th Bill Bostic 41
9th Jimmy Jones 39
10th Glenn Heath 37
11th Victoria Saager 35
12th Cailin Dunbar 32

GT Class:

1st Gary "Goose" Gossett 57 laps
2nd Chris Kouba 52
3rd Bryan Dickerson 51
4th Rico Locati 50
5th Tracy Flood 50
6th Dennis Hart 49
7th Bill Bostic 49
8th Greg Petrolati 47
9th Jimmy Jones 47
10th Monte Saager 43
11th Glenn Heath 41
12th Victoria Saager 37
13th Cailin Dunbar 35

BRM Porsche 962 IROC:

1st Rico Locati 56.25 laps
2nd Gary "Goose' Gossett 55.5
3rd Chris Kouba 54.5
4th Bryan Dickerson 52.75


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Yes, the one I got from you!


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Thank you Howie for completing this for me!!!   -------------------Bill


(26 replies, posted in Cars)

It seems we have enough interest in these cars to take this someplace now.

I agree Monte, probably two classes. How many cars fit into the class represented by Scalextric Legends F1 Set? "Goose" has a couple of these cars re-motored and dialed in. It looks to me the two in Rico's photo would qualify?


(5 replies, posted in Cars)

The repair held up and worked fine. I switched to a Ninco Porsche 997 for racing at Penguin Point as it seemed to be a superior handling car (again after rear end modifications, limited to bracing).