Lookin' good Howie!!!


(46 replies, posted in Race Rules)

Thanks Monte. It's nice to have this kind of data to help resolve issues.


(46 replies, posted in Race Rules)

I'm sure I think about this stuff way too much, and I'm sure Diane would agree with that. I just want everyone with any interest at all, to have a venue to have a good time racing slot cars. I truly believe slot car racing is one of the best hobbies around!


(46 replies, posted in Race Rules)

We are lucky in that I see three possibilities for the Shoot Out venues where the home court advantage is pretty much eliminated. My first choice would be to ask Howie to host the Shoot Out race at Rapid Raceway. Howie typically does not participate in enogh NASTE races to be eligible for the Shoot Out. I would race the NASTE '55 Chevys, which are the roots of the NASTE organization. The BRM Porsche 962s would also be a good choice for the Shoot Out at Rapid Raceway. Another potential host track with no home court advantage would be The Gorge Raceway. Again Bob Nakamura typically does not run the full season with NASTE. Lastly we have the option of the race being held at TooBad Motorplex. What lessens the home court advantage there is the fact that there are routinely scheduled races throughout the year where racers can get experience and practice on the track. But the real breaker would be the fact I would run the Shoot Out with the track running direction reversed. We have only had one race on TooBad in the reverse direction, and I do not plan on holding any races with the direction reversed, except for the possibility of the 2016 Season Shoot Out.


(46 replies, posted in Race Rules)

2016 will be NASTE's 20th consecutive year of Point Series Championship racing. Over the years NASTE has evolved into one of the most diverse slot car racing clubs I have ever been associated with. We have racers with all levels of ineterest in slot racing, from hard core builders and racers to those with just casual interest just racing for the fun of it and the social interaction. That is what has made NASTE so successful and in my mind one of the best slot car clubs around! However, it has become quite a challenge to design a racing format that suits everyones interest. I am quite confident this new format will help make our racing for the 2016 season more FUN for everyone! If you're not interested in racing in the championship series, well you're not in it unless you choose to be. It will be each racers option and decission as to which group of racers and experience level they race with. If you're a new racer or less experienced, but you'd still like to take part in the championship series just to see how you stack up, well you can do that while still racing with other racers at your same skill level. The biggest difference between NASTE's new race format and NASCAR is we do this for FUN, not for millions of dollars!


(46 replies, posted in Race Rules)

Who holds the Run Off and where will be determined at the annual NASTE BBQ, or when I send out the notice for race scheduling to all the track owners. It will be part of the same system I use now to schedule races.

With our current scoring system a driver can win the championship without ever winning a race. In fact I believe I have done that. Some of the differences between the NASCAR system and this one are; only a racers best 5 races count towards their final total score. Only the top 3 are guaranteed a spot in the final A Main race. If I use last season's results as an example, the 7 racers in the shout Out would have been; Terry 97 points, Bill 96, Tracy 98, Monte 99, Rico 94, Dave Smith 98, and Flyin' Bryan with 99 points. Flyin' Bryan, Monte, and Dave Smith would have had the 3 spots in the A Main, with Dave's four wins to Tracy's three breaking that tie. Based on that example, I am quite confident that any one of those racers in the top seven, would be very representative of a NASTE championship driver. Any one of those drivers is capable of winning a race at any of our venues. I really doubt a racer will be able to make it into the top seven without winning at least one race during the regular season, but maybe it will happen. At least with the new system the driver that wins the series championship will have to win at least one race!


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

Rico, that was some of the best racing you and I have had together last night!!!  I think we drove each other's cars as much as our own!!!


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

That would be Ricochet..............but it looks cooler this way!!!

Ricochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A ricochet is a rebound, bounce or skip off a surface, particularly in the case of a projectile (or slot car!).


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

Bryan & Sherry,  Thank you for a really fun night of racing! It was a wild exciting night even for a NASTE race! The pizza and hot dogs were most excellent!!! And thanks to all that brought the snacks, especially Dorothy for her delicious candies!


(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Sorry about that Goose. I've been thinking about these for quite awhile. Right now I'm just looking at getting 3 or 4 up and running for the next NASTE IROC race here at TooBad Motorplex.

By the way, the part number for the Paul Gage urethane tires is PGT-22160.

List updated from February 19, '15 race.


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

Nice score Mitch!!!!

February 19, 2015 Odd Thursday - We had a great turn out of racers tonight, a field of 15 for the Trans Am and GT Classes. The Trans Am race had the closest finish we have had since we started racing the class. Bryan Trachsel won by a 1/10th of a lap over Rico Locati, and Greg Petrolati finsihed third just 1/10th of a lap behind Rico. John Fisher dominated the GT Class winning by 4.2 laps! He set a new lap record and tied the track record for number of laps completed in a three minute race! Gary Goose Gossett added another win to his Strombecker Ford J's resume in the Over 50 Class.

I'd like to thank everyone who made it out to race last night. It is you racers who make the Odd Thursday Night racing such a great event! Thanks to all for bringing out the awesome snacks, and especially to Al Christensen for the totally awesome smoked salmon or-der-veez!!


Trans Am Class:
1st Bryan Trachsel 51.5 laps - Fastest Lap of the Race - 9.857
2nd Rico Locati 51.4
3rd Greg Petrolati 51.3
4th tie Monte Saager 49.8
4th tie  Bryan Dickerson 49.8                                                                     
6th  Glenn Heath 48.8
7th Goose Gossett 48.6 
8th Bill Bostic 47.8
9th Mitch Brooks 47.2
10th John Fisher 46.6
11th Amy Fields 45.7
12th Jeff Fields 44.8
13th John Morse 43.1
14th tie Victoria Saager 38.5
14th tie Al Christensen 38.5

GT Class:
1st John Fisher 61.8 laps - 8.124 Fastest Lap of the Race
2nd Monte Saager 57.6
3rd Rico Locati 57.4
4th Bryan Trachsel 56.6
5th Bryan Dickerson  55.7
6th Bill Bostic 55.1
7th Greg Petrolati 53.9
8th Jeff Fields 53.8
9th Goose Gossett 50.5
10th tie John Morse 49.8
10th tie Glenn Heath 49.8
12th Victoria Saager 47.6
13th tie Mitch Brooks 47.5
13th tie Amy Fields 47.5
15th Al Christensen 40.8

Over 50 Class:
1st Goose Gossett 51.4 laps - 9.825 Fastest Lap of the Race
2nd Bill Bostic 48.7
3rd Bryan Dickerson 46.5
4th Rico Locati 46.4
5th John Morse 45.2
6th John Fisher 44.2
7th Mitch Brooks 43.7
8th Al Christensen 39.0


(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Did a little track testing this morning. Fun car to run!


(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

My good friend Dave Smith got a bunch of us hooked on racing these Volkswagons on slightly modified Womp chassis years ago.  I still love these cars and these will be TooBad Motorplex's version of the class Dave Smith started. Thank you Dave!!!



(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Here's the assembled chassis.


My plan is to put three of these cars together for the next NASTE IROC race here at TooBad. I will be using clear Volkswagon bodies on the cars. Professor Motor sells the Parma Home Set clear Volkswagon bodies for $5.49.


So here's the cost to build this car: motor = $7.50, 7 tooth pinion gear = .45, rear tires = $8.99, clear body = $5.49, for a total of $22.43, less the intial cost of a complet Womp. If I had an initial car cost of $20 this project cost me $43.43 without figuring in the cost of shipping on the parts. Not really what I would call a CHEAP car! Looks like this one is a FAIL in the cheap category. Oh well, I hope it runs well!

....................On to the next car..................


(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I used clear nail polish (thanks Honey) as an adhesive to mount the urethane tires to the wheels. I applied the polish to the inside of the tires and the outside of the wheels.


With the wheel positioned flat and vertical on the table I pushed the tires onto the wheels.



(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I am re-using the Womp rear wheels with Paul Gage urethane tires. I removed the old hard rubber from the rear wheels.


I cleaned the inside of the tires and the outside of the wheels with Isopropyl Alchohol. Rubbing Alcohol has other ingredients and can leave residue when used for cleaning parts.




(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

In the installation of the motor I decided to use a quick change method of braid installation on the guide flag. This method is popular in our area, and I presume popular most everywhere slot cars are raced. As a slot car racer and builder I NEVER throw ANYTHING away! Here's a use for those old worn out pickup braids everyone has!


Cut the braid off of the brass shoes that secure the braid to the guide blade. Bend the brass pieces like this:


Solder the motor lead wires to the brass of the old braid.


Install the motor lead wires into the guide flag on top of the new braids.



(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Paul Gage is making urethane tires to fit the Parma Womp cars. For $8.99 you get a total of four rear tires. Again you must add shipping charges to your cost, but it is still a great deal. And these tires last almost forever!


For this car I am also installing a seven tooth pinion gear. Pinion gears cost .90 cents for a pair at Professor Motor.



(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

For this project what I am mainly interested in is the chassis and running gear, axles, guide flag, wheels, crown gear, and hardware. I will be replacing the motor with one more suited for use at TooBad Motorplex with a little less power and torque than a 16D. I am replacing the 16D with Professor Motor's version of the Fox 10. These motors sell for $7.50, to which you must add shipping costs. I usually try to order enough parts for free shipping, or at least be able to spread the shipping costs out over a number of items.




(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Here's an attempt to build a cheap slot car for racing here at TooBad Motorplex. For this car I will be starting with a Parma 1/32 car I picked up somehwere along the line in my many years of collecting slot car stuff. To get started, here's my work bench in its current stage of unorganized mess. It's a wonder I can get anything built in this mess!


This particular Womp started out as a cherry Corvette, complete with a nicely done interior. Somebody did a nice job on this car!


Probably a better candidate for a project like this would be something more along these lines. This Womp would probably have a much lower purchase price because it is pretty well BEAT!



As a track owner and occasional NASTE race host, I am always looking for CHEAP, or should I say inexpensive slot cars. I have two primary objectives when I introduce a new class for racing here at TooBad Motorplex, or to introduce the NASTE IROC racers to a new type of slot car; 1. low cost to purchase or build, 2. simple rules for modifications. There was a time I could scratch build cars pretty cheap. I built and sold the original NASTE Chassis cars using Radioshack motors that were a mere $3.49 each, and rubber rear tires that were $1.50 a pair. I sold the complete brass chassis cars for $15.00 less bodies. Racers were able to purchase new model kits for bosies for $5.00 to $8.00 on sale at that time. The total cost of a car was approximately $23.00, less paint of course.

  That was almost 20 years ago, and I am now of the opinion there are NO cheap slot cars to be built anymore! Now days just the cost of the running gear, axles, gears, guide flag, and wheels will cost you at least $15.00. That doesn't even include the cost of the brass, which is substantially more expensive now days! What I have learned over the past few years is; the best way to build a cheap car, is to start with a complete cheap car!

  There are many potential cheap project cars to start with. Mainly what I look for in a potential project car is; good parts for a chassis, or a nice useable body. Good candidates that can be picked up cheap are the Parma and Champion RTR cars, such as 1/32 Womps and 1/24 Flexi's. If you can buy used cars in a large lot it will reduce the cost per car even more. If that requires more initial cash outlay than you want look for a partner or partners to divide the lot with. I shoot for an initial car cost of $20 or less.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Mitch - The first Scalextric F1 Eagle I had I only spent about 20 minutes prepping for race duty. Added some weight and did a little tire sanding on the Luff's urethane tires. That car was awesome! But then I traded it off. Big mistake. I purchased a replacement car and spent a few hours prepping it. Took time to do a better job of truing the rear tires and wheels. Glued in the rear axle bushings and performed the "super glue trick' to improve the axle to bushing tolerances. The car ran and handled like CRAP! So I ordered a new lower chassis and a new rear axle/wheel assembly. This time I'll just throw it together again and not over-think and try to "better-engineer" the thing!

Goose - Just got done looking around for Classic wheels. I did not find any! I thought for sure I probably had a bunch, but I sold a couple lots of 1/24 parts I didn't want awhile back on Ebay. The Classic wheels I had were probably in one of those lots because I never liked them! Sorry!


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks Mitch. I'm hoping mine will be here this week. We aren't racing the vintage F1s this week so I have some time.