
(62 replies, posted in Cars)

The trailer will be at the beach..............of course if'n I'm leavin' for slot car stuff, she might tell me to take it with me, or to put it somewhere.................!


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

If I come back from the beach to attend, leaving Diane at the beach, can I come live with you afterwards?


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, thanks, leavin' me out!!!!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

This update from our Crew Chief/Driver Dennis Hart:

"Bill and Diane, Charlotte and I all attended the racers meeting yesterday at the track.  All of our questions were answered and we all walked the track noting important safety features and getting a real close look at its details.  All very positive and encouraging.  Also relieving some of my honest concerns regarding design choices that we made during construction.  I am convinced that we will have some strong competition, but a GOOD chance of winning this major event.  Not a "walk in the park", but real contenders !

Also, the "Flyer" is now complete ( other than livery ) and ready for final road testing.  The batteries on my camera krapped out, but pictures will be soon forthcoming.

I must brag a little here.  She is beautiful and fast thanks to Al, Mitch, Jimmy, Charlotte and especially Bill who has been my strong right arm through this long and challenging process.  Without any of them the "Hawksbill Flyer" would have remained a pile of assorted materials.  Please do plan on attending and (or) assisting at our pit. This should be a GREAT event !

Lastly, road trials will take place soon.  Keep tuned for the place, time and secret location.  It will be in the Scappoose area and followed by a no host post trial bash and rally at the "Varsity Bar and Grill" in preparation of the big event Saturday, August 20th at Mt. Tabor in Portland.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME !

- Dennis

'She flies like a hawk, the wind her lover."


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

Can't do that date Chris. Diane and I will be at the beach. My calendar is totally booked until the week of August 22nd!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

The date for the Portland Adult Soap Box Derby is quickly approaching! Saturday August 20th is THE day! Mark your calendars!

We have the minimum two volunteers our team needs for track set up. What the team needs now is confirmation from those that wish to participate as the pit crew. We are going to need pit crew members to help load and unload the car, get it ready to participate, and man the pit area. We need some pit crew members that can show up as early as 7:00 am. This was a fun event to watch last year, and I am sure it will be even more fun this year as a participant! This is your chance to join in! It doesn't cost you a dime! So come out, watch and root for team NASTE, or participate if you can!

Please let Dennis or me know if you can commit to helping out in the pits. The NASTE Gravity Racer Team needs you!


I have HO track Doc!!!


(4 replies, posted in Gorge Raceway)

Yes, thank you Nakamura's! It was a fantastic race, very fast and close at the end of over 400 laps! The food was excellent and plentiful.

Glad you're back home Doc! Let me know if you need somebody to come over and set up a track next to your bed!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)


A new date for the next test run will be posted soon. Please stand by!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

No need to worry, not a GPS!

That is the monitor for the rear facing camera. I think Dennis wants to see the look on their faces when he goes past them!!!!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)


A new date for the next test run will be posted soon. Please stand by!

Latest update from our Crew Chief Dennis:

The construction is DONE!

All that remains is sanding, priming, painting and livery.

We have scheduled another test run for next Sunday the 31st.  Noon at Dennis' place, done by 2 PM.

Come and check out the Hawksbill Flyer in person!!!

Glad the surgery went well Doc!

You have all our best wishes for a speedy recovery! We're missin' you on the track!

Stay on the mend Doc. We all missed you last night at Al's! We'll be glad when you're able to get back to racing!


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

Hey Smooth,

Can I have the January 14 date?


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

The Hawksbill Flyer with body work in place:



The driver's accomodations:



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

The work session went well yesterday, very productive. We were able to complete the fabrication and installation of the remaining major body panels. The car is nearing completion! The car is now fully functional with all the mechanical aspects finished. Only the cockpit panel is left to fabricate, and then it is time for some minor body work, bondo, sanding, and then the paint.

Our official test session was cancelled yesterday due to mechanical issues with our transport vehicle. We did however give it a short run down Dennis' driveway. Keep in mind there is very little incline to Dennis' driveway, and with just a slight push, due partially to the fact the Flyer ran away from me and I couldn't keep up, the Hawksbill Flyer gained speed very quickly!  Also notable was the fact Dennis had to negotiate an ess type turn going down the driveway, and a full lock 90 degree left turn onto the street. The turning manuvers scrubbed off very little speed and the Flyer travelled 30 yards down the slightly uphill grade of the street! One thing is for sure, the Hawksbill Flyer is FAST!

At the top of the priority list for the next work session is an official test run. The next test run will be on the road, longer and with increased incline. It WILL be exciting!



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

I will be attending the work session Sunday. I have room available if anyone would like to ride along.



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

NEXT Gravity Racer Work Session:

SUNDAY, July 17th, 9:00 AM to ???

The Gravity Racing Team will conduct its final work session and hopefully trial downhill runs.

9 AM to 12 Noon - Work session
1 PM (?) to ? trial runs on Scappoose/Vernonia Hwy ( aproximately 5 miles off Hwy 30 from Scappoose)
Followed by a No-host celebration at the Varsity Bar & Grill in Scappoose on Hwy 30 across from the High School.
All club members and friends are cordially invited to drop in at any time to help, observe and (or) celebrate the successful completion of this project !

Questions or directions? Call (503) 397-3298

Hang in there! & take it easy!

How ya feelin' Doc?


(5 replies, posted in Cars)

Greg brought this new car out last Thursday.


Driven by Kirk Douglass no less!



(0 replies, posted in Cars)

Rico brought out this really nice Ferrari last Thursday.




(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

Beau Frazier has also signed up for the Track Set Up.

We have the two volunteers we need but if anyone else would like to join us you would be most welcomed and appreciated! Alternates are always a good idea as well!



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

I have officially signed up for the 5:30am to 9:00am Track Set Up.

I also signed up to attend the 6:00pm Track Set Up Meeting on Monday August 8th.

We NEED at least one more volunteer!

Thanks again!   =========Bill