(1 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Well isn't that great! Looks like it will be a fun track to run on. BUT just about any track is fun to race on and it's always good to have fun! Don't bust your buttons though Monte since it should be arriving tomorrow and we wouldn't want the excitement to be too much!! ;>}


(8 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

You spoke and it's happened Monte. Looks like we're going to have more winter. Good thing we enjoyed the sun while it was here!

Sorry Bill. Maybe there will be sun again soon. ;>} Don't hold your breath though!


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, a big THANK YOU to Andre and Suzanne for hosting such a fine race. Very gracious hosts, especially Andre for taking it easy on us during the first round of racing. It was good to see so many racers show up and made for a fun evening! Love racing those little cars around the track too.

Have some pix to share. Only took one video, but will get that up later. You're lucky I got the pix done since it's my birthday today and I really don't feel like doing ANY kind of work today. ;>}

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(8 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Yes, Rico, you are one heck of a great racer and if you'd had the right car, you would really have given Monte a run for his money! ;>}

Got the videos uploaded while I was outside today enjoying the sunshine. Mowing, edging and weeding while the computer did my work for me. lol Had to come post for you, but now I'm headed back outside. Too glorious of a day to spend in front of this screen!



(8 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Thanks for a terrific day of racing Monte! Beautiful weather you called up too! ;>} Victoria provided a wonderful spread for us too!

I think Rico will be checking very closely from now on before running his car!

Here are some pix. Videos will follow when I have time. Thanks Tracy for snapping a couple pix of me. You'll have to practice a bit for next time! ;>}   

Monte First Sunday 3/4/12
http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Video of the night. Only shot one. Guess I was a bit lazy. ;>}



(19 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Well... I really don't have any idea about Exterior Pit Building Designs. ;>} Looking very nice though Monte!


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

What a great night of racing! Thanks for hosting Bryan! The pizza was terrific and the racing wasn't too shabby either! Nice meeting Sherry! Got only a few pix for you. It's kind of tight quarters for taking them, especially since I'm not all that small. Took one vid too, but it will be uploaded another time! Thanks again! ;>}

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … 18%202012/


(1 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

WhooHoo! Look at that 4th place finish! ;>}

Sneaky Monte. Making sure there was another name between hubby and I to make it look like he was even further ahead of me. LOL

Thanks for a great day of racing! Here are the photos.
Monte First Sunday Race 2/5/12
http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

Will get the one and only video up as soon as I can.


(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

YW Bill. Finally got all of the videos to upload. Hope you're having a great time in Hawaii!

YouTube Races at Randy's






(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well, Bill, it couldn't hurt to try. We can save that for when you get back though. It will give you something to do! ;>}


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

wb0s wrote:

I would also like to form a NASTE Committee. The committe would consist of a small group of dedicated volunteers to coordinate NASTE functions and provide oversite.
One function I would like to suggest would be an award or trophy building day before the season begins.

                                      Two topics came up at the NASTE BBQ on Sunday Aug. 22 2010 that are open for discussion.

1). Ideas for trophies for next season. One idea is to have a perpetual trophy listing the names, dates, and tracks for each race winner. After each race the winner would take the trophy home, add something to the trophy, and return with the trophy to the next race. The winner of the next race would then take the trophy home, add something to it, and again return it to the next race. At the end of the season the point series champion would get to keep that trophy, in addition to having the NASTE Point Series Championship Trophy with his or her name added to the nameplate.
A trophy building session was also scheduled for Sunday Oct. 3rd to build some trophies for the individual races.

Did I miss all of this? I don't remember us getting together to build trophy's in October. I believe we still have some stuff in the garage that was going to be used for building them if you still need it.


(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, Thanks Randy and Myrna for hosting such a fine race. It was good chatting with both of you and hope to see you at some of our races too. ;>}

YW Bill. Know you'll get enough of the local drinks while in Maui, but at least you'll have something local for when you come home. lol

Got the pix uploaded. Videos always seem to take me longer to do, but I'll get them up soon too.

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

I don't think you could drink enough to assuage the guilt you must be feeling from not having your track finished! ;>} 

J/K Have a great trip Bill and remember, you did say you would try to bring back some warm sunshine.

Very Cool Bill! That's going to be awesome to run on!


(1 replies, posted in NASTE)

Those cars were GREAT to race! It was such a fun night! Thanks so much for hosting Jeff. Congrats to Dave on his victory!

Congrats to Bill and Terry for coming in a very close second place!

You're welcome Bill. I'm so glad you liked the treats. I saved one of the cars to give to Victoria at the next race. In the mean time though, she'll just have to look at pix.

Yes, I got them all uploaded today. Whew! Long time getting the vids on YouTube. What a way to spend my 24th Anniversary! ;>}

See you all at the next race!

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all






(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well, I did it! I got the final two races uploaded. So much easier when they are only a minute long or so and I get them going before heading out on errands! Thanks again Monte for a great final night of NASTE racing in 2011. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

NASTE Final Race 2011 



Hey All! Got the videos uploaded from the First Sunday race. Just did them all while I was busy decorating cookies. I think you'll enjoy them since we get a little sideways in one of them thanks to Ruben. ;>}

Monte First Sunday Race 12/4/11







(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

What a great night of racing! Thanks so much for all the hard work Monte getting that track up and running. I was truly amazed that you got it all done in time. I really liked the layout too! Thank goodness it wasn't just me with that car Monte! lol

Thanks Victoria for that wonderful food! Yummy pizza and I love having a salad to go along. Those brownies were totally gooey too! ;>}

Rico, you did an awesome job getting us so darn close at the end! If you'd had a few more minutes to run that final time, I bet we would have caught them!

You're welcome Bill. I am happy to oblige with the treats and thanks for being guinea pigs with my experiments! Going to try Mary's suggestion with the rum balls for next time.

Got the pix uploaded, but not video yet. Still haven't gotten the first Sunday vids up yet either. Too much to do this time of year. I'll get them up some day though, I promise. Didn't get many shots since I was trying to help with being a corner marshal. Might have worked better if I had stayed behind the camera though.

Thank you Bill and Monte for the 'items'. You two are terrific!

Have a great Christmas and see you all in the New Year!

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

Thanks for hosting another great race Monte and Victoria. Here are some pix. Videos will be later. Off to get our Christmas Tree now. ;>}

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

Good Morning! What do 2 women, 6 men and one Party Bus lead up to?

NASTE Road Trip of course!

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

Thanks for driving us all day Bill. Please thank Greg for the great van. Thought it was John who loaned it to us. Sure hope you got to sleep after that Monster Drink!

I spent almost 30 minutes trying to send a message to you on Facebook this morning. After it finally went through, I realized I could have just come here and posted the picture link! Sheesh! ;>} I'm such a blonde some times. Videos will get uploaded later. Right now we're off to have pizza with my friend Ruben. He's sure looking forward to racing in December at Monte's. Have a great Sunday!

Edited to add video links! Pizza was great and videos uploaded just fine while we were eating.


Thanks for letting me know Bill. I'll check back here again to see if there are any more developments.

Nice Monte! It will be a party bus with more people on board. ;>}

Back to candy making now. Mmmm... chocolate.  big_smile

Thanks Bill! Window seat AND free coffee?!? Boy, that's going to be hard to beat. ;>} Is the window seat closer to the front of the van Bill? Also, what time are we leaving and where do I need to meet up with you for that ride?

Don't worry Monte. I might, and I repeat might, have treats leftover by the time we get to the race. LOL

Oh yeah. It's okay that I don't get shotgun. I plan to bring my plastic canvas project and having a bench seat will probably give me more room. Your seat is safe Rico! wink

Shoot! If only I would have registered earlier, I could have called shotgun! ;>} Oh wait, I was already told by Bill that I would have to sit in the way, way back. Oh well, guess that means I get to eat all the treats I bring. I'll be too far away to pass them to anyone. Could I at least have a window seat please?