Topic: GT class change to Sports Car Era classes
I checked the calendar last night to see what we're running this week and noticed that it was still listed as GT for one of the classes. Part of our rules revision exercise last year was a request to group the eligible cars into chronologically similar buckets, and a proposal was made which was then ratified. I asked Bill if he could start swapping in the new classes sometime soon, so he did... we're starting this week.
As a brief refresher, there are three categories. Here is a summary of what they are and how they are defined:
Pre-Ground Effect (PGE) - Full fendered vehicles, with or without a roof, from 1968 through 1980. This picks up where Classics shuts down.
Ground Effects (GFX) - Full fendered vehicles, with or without a roof, from 1981 through 1993.
LMP (LMP) - Full fendered vehicles, with or without a roof, from 1994 through present.
I assume we'll be pretty flexible with cars fitting categories initially, but everyone who might not have a dedicated entry but who has a Can Am car now has an entry for this round (open top cars are now in the bucket).
If this is all too soon and we want another go around prior to implementing, that's fine too. I want to get a line in the sand though and move toward the classes that we decided to put effort into reconstructing.