26 (edited by docdoom March 27, 2018 4:21 pm)

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

Another class that might be fun would be a open gt3 .there are a lot new cars coming out that would fit right in.just have to decide on a motor limit. Sideways  NSR RevoSlot  Scaleauto MRSLOTCAR along with the 3d printer guys there would be some nice  cars to run

The secondnidator

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

Mitch58 wrote:

When I started with NASTE I think we only had GT and Classic Sports car, at least that's all I remember. F1, LeMans, Trans Am, Over 50 and Can Am all came later.

It bugs me that I can't remember, I'm sure we didn't run the same cars every two weeks. I think each week we ran one of the classes then Bill ran an IROC race. I'm sure someone else remembers.

Mitch, I looked back and the first NASTE Odd Thursday Night race you attended was on November 7, 2013. At that time it looks like we were racing the Classic Sports Car and GT classes at each race. After those two classes were raced we finished off the evening with a BRM 1/24 IROC race which Chris Kouba started for the NASTE racers. If you're wondering, you finished 6th and 1st in the first two races. I have a feeling you lost your magnet privileges in that second race!

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

I remember, I was driving your Granddaughters "cheater". Very fast and smooth with all of those magnets.

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

Mitch58 wrote:

It bugs me that I can't remember, I'm sure we didn't run the same cars every two weeks. I think each week we ran one of the classes then Bill ran an IROC race. I'm sure someone else remembers.

We ran the first championship class as the second race of the night for the first 6 weeks of the championship, then repeated the cycle for the next 2 classes.  It was Trans Am, Le Mans, and Classics I.

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

docdoom wrote:

These are my vote for the three point classes.and few others for vote

4. sports 1 but with a twist podded chassis or brass with a spec 14k motor.  IPS rules maybe
5 open gt3 podded or brass chassis and a spec motor

My personal opinion is that I would prefer not to introduce new classes for the championship.  I'd rather see us run classes where someone has a good understanding of what/how to tune the cars and a decent understanding of what parts might be needed to help them be competitive.  If we want to tweak the class structures, let's do it on the side but not for points, and compete for the glory with a "known good" set of rules and tuning parameters.

We should chat about opening up the GT3 rules if that's something you'd like to see gain traction.  I don't think there'd be too much resistance to it.  I would be disinclined to monkey with the Classics 1 rules though, especially since we just made the decision we're all going to re-motor them with the 14k for next year.

31 (edited by ckouba March 27, 2018 7:13 pm)

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

kidvolt wrote:

I agree with Mitch.  If I have a least favorite class it's probably Trans Am.

I'd be happy with:

1.  Can Am
2.  GT or Classic Spo's Ca's
3.  LeMans

But with only three classes I'd be happy with most anything.

I like this scenario too!

Remember, for next year, GT evolves into the Sportscar "Era" classes.  If we've done enough running to feel comfortable with the run groups, I'd say let's consider one of them.  Otherwise, I'd lean toward Classics I (with the new 14k limit) or II instead.

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

I'm good with what ever you all wanna run. only brought up the podded thing was that there was so many more ways one can tune a car. and thought that what most guys were asking for. t/a for one comes to mind
I do think we should at least had one new class every year or so to keep it from getting to stale. there is to many new cars/classes coming out not think about running them.  maybe not has a point race at 1st but maybe work them into the line up yo keep the championship fresh. just my take on it.

The secondnidator

33 (edited by ckouba March 27, 2018 10:04 pm)

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

I'm not saying we need to run the same classes year on year for the championship either, just that whichever ones we decide on should be fairly well vetted prior to committing to them for the championship.  I think GT3 or any of the Sportscar Era classes would be excellent candidates for the 2019 championship as long as we validate we can all build something enjoyable and competitive with an economical budget.

As far as adding new classes, you brought GT3, we all brought Open out of the Thunderslots discussion, GT is being broken out into 3 new classes, and Monte brought Carrera DTM to the table.  That's two new "bone stock" classes, a completely open class built around a bone stock and extremely fast T-slot, and the splitting of one class into 3 different ones which allow and encourage a new range of cars to participate (open top sports cars).  That feels like decent growth to me!

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

That is true.party  on garth.

The secondnidator

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

I agree with Chris on the classes that should be scheduled for the point series championship. I think they should be classes that have been established and raced for at least one full season of non-point races. As Chris said this allows racers time to acquire a car and get it dialed in. This makes for closer and more competitive racing. The point series races should be used to determine who the best drivers, tuners and builders are. They are not the races that should be used for car development and "practice". The point series races not only determine the best drivers, but determine who has come up with the best setups and the best builds as evidenced by durability and consistency. That is not to say some development and "tweaking" does not take place during the point series, but the preliminary "bugs" should be sorted out by the time the point races start.

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

This issue was brought to my attention and I thought I would post it for comment.

In classic sports car divison 1, you have a motor spec of "H&R" 14k which is a fc130 style motor. Some of the cars you specified for this class is the MRRC cars, they use a "ff050" style motor, i do not know of motor adapter to go from ff050 to fc130 motor, nor do i believe a fc130 will fit under a MRRC body designed to use the ff050 motor/chassis layout. The only ff050 18k motor i have found for replacement is the "M/T-SL-1 13,465k motor.

Any comments, concerns, or ideas?

Re: Rule Changes for 2019 Racing Season

Your right Bill,
  we were discussing this a few weeks ago. The M/T-1 is a very slow motor without much torque. It won't compete with the H&R motor which excludes a lot of great cars. The Minnow motor is rated at 18K but is not a real powerhouse coming out of the curves. It might be worth setting a few up and doing some comparison testing.  The whole point of slowing the cars down was to make more cars competitive in this class.