Topic: Hybrid Chassis?
Here's something for you builders to think about. Some of you saw and had a chance to run my Carrera Corvette with the motor pod I installed. That one change made a significant improvement in that car! Yesterday I started a project to make an inexpensive and simple scratchbuilt chassis for 1/32 cars. Well as usual what I started out to accomplish went sideways and became a little more of a project than I had intended. Half way through plan A I shifted gears to plan B. The center section I had made yesterday fits perfectly in the center of a Monogram Greenwood Corvette chassis. After seeing the Greenwood Corvette Bryan Dickerson built, and how well it performed, I'm thinking this might be something worth tinkering with. So instead of using a motor pod or cutting down some other production chassis, this will be an attempt to adapt a scratchbuilt motor pod of sorts.