Topic: Tacoma Racing at 132 Slotcar, April 4 & 5‏
Details are coming together regarding the spring race weekend at Alan's in Tacoma. It is scheduled to be a Fri eve and Saturday event with a preliminary schedule of:
Friday night: Group C
Scaleracing LMP Challenge
BRM 1/24 Scale
Scaleauto GT 1/24th
Scaleauto 1/32 GT IROC
The schedule is tentative as the intent is to appeal to the masses to maximize fun for all. I attended last year- it was a lot of racing and a lot of fun with good people whom I'd only ever known over the internet. It was nice to put names with faces and do some racing.
Loaners will be available but please give as much heads up as possible to make arrangements. If you're bringing your own cars and would like setup info, give him a call as he'll gladly share what's been working well.
Track is 8 lanes and braided with non-mag braid; runs pretty hot at around 13V. Pics:
Carpooling can be arranged amongst interested parties.