26 (edited by howieandsandy@yahoo.com October 28, 2012 9:54 pm)

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I meant to thank Rico for the use of his Batmobile for the race. It was a fun car to drive after you got used to the minimum braking situation. For some reason I drove Batmobile much better during the night time racing than during the day part!! I know I made up a lot of time at night!!!
I checked out the videos and pictures, good stuff!!

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Minimum? That's being generous.  You're welcome Howie, glad to do it. I think I did better at night as well, perhaps we couldn't see the distractions of the other cars.....

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Great photos & video from The Hammer and Victoria!  Thank you both !!!!   ---------------Bill