Topic: Early modified chassis building day!

We had a great time on Saturday getting some cars together for the early modified class that we are racing for the first time this season on Saturday.

Bart made great progress on his blue Chevy, and Tom and Lance turned out some cool looking fords! Howie should be able to post pics of lance's ride!

Howie prepped a lot of the parts which helped a ton, and we had parts on hand to build up to five cars. All in all I think it was a great experience for everyone. I enjoyed watching them come together!


Re: Early modified chassis building day!

That was a lot of fun. Thanks to all who helped make it happen! As a follow up to the Can-Am chassis building day...Zach and I got a chance to run my new Can-Am and it runs great! Just need to add a little lead.

Re: Early modified chassis building day!

I asked Bill to add Lance's car on the Projects page. You will find it there.

Re: Early modified chassis building day!

howie wrote:

I asked Bill to add Lance's car on the Projects page. You will find it there.

ok but were would that be? i have looked high i have looked low i even looked when i said I would not. but after eating two bags of carrots and new eye classes I did not find a project page...

The secondnidator

5 (edited by howie February 4, 2020 7:46 pm)

Re: Early modified chassis building day!

It is on the PROJECTS PAGE under: Projects; done and not so done, now the second page down from the top of the Rapid forum.