Topic: Cheap Trans Am Bodies in 1/25 Scale

by howie » Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:53 pm

I bought a snap together kit at Fred Meyer of a 2015 Mustang GT by Revell. It has a nice body and good details.It is by far cheaper and less waste when you consider that a person throws away almost everything in a detailed kit except the body and glass. Compare the $13.00 cost to the $20.00 plus for a detailed kit and I don't think the bodies are any different. Bill is working on a Camarro snap kit from Revell also.

Re: Cheap Trans Am Bodies in 1/25 Scale

The previous posts to this topic were copied over from the Northwest True Scale Racers site with Howie's permission. The NTSR site is scheduled to close down at the end of this year. I will be copying over as much of the great information posted there as possible in the next few months.  =====Bill

Re: Cheap Trans Am Bodies in 1/25 Scale

by wb0s » Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:34 am

Yes Howie, my Camaro is also a Revell snap kit. Another nice thing about it is the body is all one piece, including the hood! Fewer parts to throw off when i crash the thing!!! I got mine off Ebay for $13 shipped.