Topic: PASER Even Thursday 6/22/2023

A warm summer's evening welcomed a hearty group of 5 racers to The Gorge Raceway on June 22nd,2023. The voltage for all races was set at 10.5 volts.
The ever-challenging Womp class had very close racing, with the usual cornering issues that are common with this class.
Next up were the blazing fast 4' Flexi cars. The race format consisted of 3 racers and 2 corner marshals, with a track call for hard-to-reach re-slots. The result was a challenging and fun race event. The final results:

  Name                           Laps
1 Turing John               81.2
2. Racerbob                 78.6
3. Doc                         73.4
4, Bad Billy                  73.2
5. Rico (Chet)              70.0

4 Inch Flexi's
1. Racerbob                139.4
2. Turing John             131.4
3. Bad Billy                 131.1
4. Doc                        121.6
5. Rico (Chet)             119.5

Thanks to all who came out and made this event possible.

Re: PASER Even Thursday 6/22/2023

Thanks Bob, really fun racing as usual at The Gorge!

Re: PASER Even Thursday 6/22/2023

Despite my finishes, a fun night of racing for sure. Thanks again Bob.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

4 (edited by racerbob June 24, 2023 5:34 pm)

Re: PASER Even Thursday 6/22/2023

Thanks Rico, Bill, Doc and Turing John. It's a pleasure to have you all show up.