Topic: Thursdays are RACE NIGHTS!
In an effort to simplify racing schedules, Thursdays are now officially Race Night! NASTE is continuing its "Odd Thursday" racing schedule, and PASER and Northwest True Scale are starting their "Even Thursday" racing schedule. So ALL Thursdays are Race Nights! Some race days will include a lunch gathering before the track opens. Check the NASTE Calendar for dates, times, classes, and locations!
PASER has discontinued the Monday Open Track days and moved the days to Thursdays. Northwest True Scale/Rapid Raceway has joined in, adding an even wider variety of 1/24 racing!
This coming Thursday, December 8th marks the first evening of "Even Thursday" racing at Rapid Raceway. Check the NASTE Calendar for times and classes. The "Even Thursday" racing will resume (after a holiday break) on January 12th at Bob's Gorge Raceway.