(3 replies, posted in BSCC)

wb0s wrote:

Randy has shut down BSCC and taken down the track.

That's too bad it was a really cool track


(3 replies, posted in BSCC)

I don't see any events scheduled for it and the website is down.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks guys I am hoping to complete the track soon, my next step I believe is to get the track borders up.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I mostly have my garage set up, with my 2 tables in position and ready for surfacing. That will be the tough part, figuring out what to surface it with so many options lol. Here are some pics of my work so far. Just been testing the tables so far, the dimesions should be around 17.5 feet x 4 feet or so.

By w1ff at 2011-04-15
By w1ff at 2011-04-15


(3 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

kidvolt wrote:

I know Scaley track will eventually show power loss through the track joints.  We usually figure about every 10-12 pieces you might want to have a jumper for the analog track but Flip can tell you better than I.

Can you run the jumper off the stock powerbase, mine being the 6 car


(3 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

kidvolt wrote:

I know Scaley track will eventually show power loss through the track joints.  We usually figure about every 10-12 pieces you might want to have a jumper for the analog track but Flip can tell you better than I.

Cool I was thinking that ill have to figure out how to put the flippers on the analog parts


(3 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

So I have placed an order for the scalextric 6 car powerbase from fantasy world, will that provide enough power or do I have to additionally add power to the track as well? I know a lot of tracks have special wiring so I am curious if this powerbase will be sufficient



(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

wb0s wrote:

I would think either would work fine. I usually figure about 4" minimum around the edges where cars are likely to fly off the table.

Yeah I was thinking that I'm leaning towards the 1x10


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I am wondering what kind of border to use to prevent the cats from flying off. I was thinking 1x8 boards or 1x10 boards

Just as I ask I find one at fantasy world! Man that place is great

Having trouble finding one at local hobby shops any ideas?


(38 replies, posted in Digital Racing)

MrFlippant wrote:

I wish I could have come to the Enduro, but son's robotics competition took priority. Maybe next time. It's such a long drive, I'd love to be able to see more than one track while I'm down. Is anyone else willing to show me their track the next time there's a digital enduro? smile

For sure man, when I get my track up and running I am planning on my inaugural event being an enduro. Thanks for all of your advice btw on Slot Car illustrated!!!


(38 replies, posted in Digital Racing)

I just put together my first test video for my track...


(38 replies, posted in Digital Racing)

I am in the process of converting my scx classic track to scalextric digital, with the 6 car power base to race up to 6 cars on 2 lanes. Going a bit slower than I expected by coming along

kidvolt wrote:

All depends on what you want to do.  All the systems have lap counters designed to work with them.  They mostly just count laps but also integrate easily.  If you want to move to a computerized solution then there are even more choices but you also may have to install sensors and do some wiring.

Probably at first I should keep things simple I think do they all have lap timers as well?

I am trying to figure out which software is the best to use for my upcoming track.  I have decided to go with an analog track I am not sure if I am going to run the scx track or the scalextric sport track yet I don't know if it makes a difference in regards to the software.  If anyone has any advice on whcih racing manager software to use that would be awesome!  I finally have all 3 tables for my track built so the layout should look something like this


And I was shocked!  My order came in less than 24 hours!  It was just fantastic, I got free shipping and it came in less than 24 hours just great!!


(38 replies, posted in Digital Racing)

So if you have a digital sysetem do you still install your own controller interfaces so you can use your own controller, or do you have to go with the digital ones that come with the set that you are using?

kidvolt wrote:

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.  Most of us have already been through that part a few times.

Lol I am assuming building the tables is the easy part!  I am expecting the wiring to be a challenge.



(0 replies, posted in Events)

I am planning an event for my new track which I estimate will be open in the beginning of February!  My plan was to have the Event Saturday February 20th.  My track is going to be on 3 4X8 tables I am thinking about going digital with it but I am not sure yet I have to do more research.  Let me know how this sounds!



I just got the 1st of 3 4x8 tables completed!  Only 2 to go!  Then comes the fun part the wiring sad

kidvolt wrote:

Absolutely, keep us posted!  I have an SCX Digital track in Hillsboro.

Will do

I am expecting my 1:32 track to be up sometime in early to mid February with all of the wiring and what not.  I am planning on it being a digital tack but I am not 100 percent sure yet.  My plan is to start a slot car club, I live in Beaverton let me know if anyone is interested!




(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

kidvolt wrote:

I'm in Hillsboro.  Stop on by one of these days and I can fill you in on the entire scene locally.  There is plenty of racing.  I'll be at an Enduro tomorrow in Beaverton if you'd like to stop on by and check that out.

Good deal, what time is it and where?

