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I had a great time tonight! I got to see a bunch of my slot racing friends and get in a couple races thanks to folks lending me cars and controllers! Having not been very active racing lately I was really impressed with how the racers in the group have progressed. The racing is closer now than it has ever been, and there are many racers capable of winning races in any of the classes! This is great! Thanks Al!
Results from February 1 '18 race:
GT3 Class
1 Al 68.9 laps
2 Rico 66.5
3 Chris 66.2
4 Jeff 65.8
5 Greg 65.7
6 Daniel 65.7
7 Monte 64.0
8 Mitch 61.8
9 Terry R. 60.5
10 Bill 60.4
11 Victoria 57.4
12 Gary 46.0
Can Am - Official NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.6
1 Chris 77.2 Laps - 12 pts.
2 Al 77.2 - 11 pts.
3 Mitch 75.7 - 10 pts.
4 Greg 75.0 - 9 pts.
5 Jeff F. 72.8 - 8 pts.
6 Daniel 72.1 - 7 pts.
7 Bill 68.0 - 6 pts.
8 Terry R. 60.4 - 5 pts.
9 Victoria 60.3 - 4 pts.
10 Rico 55.3 - 3 pts.
11 Monte 47.3 - 2 pts.
12 Gary 42.9 - 1 pt.
Official Results - NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.5 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway
Classic Sports Car Div.I
1 Chris K. 69.9 Laps - 11 points
2 Daniel 64.8 - 10 pts.
3 Al 63.8 - 9 pts.
4 Stan 63.3 - 8 pts.
5 Mitch 63.0 - 7pts.
6 Gary 62.8 - 6 pts.
7 Rico 61.6 - 5 pts.
8 Monte 60.0 - 4 pts.
9 Jake 59.0- 3 pts.
10 Jeff F. 58.9 - 2 pts.
11 Nicki 48.8 - 1 pt.
Standings After 5 Races
1st Daniel 35 Points
2nd Al 29 pts.
3rd Chris K. 27 pts.
4th Mitch 22 pts.
5th tie Jeff Fields 21 pts.
6th Rico 18 pts.
7th Gary 15 pts.
8th Greg 12 pts.
9th Stan 11 pts.
10th Monte 9 pts.
11th tie Fernando 6 pts.
11th tie Jake 6 pts.
13th Jeff Burns 4 pts.
14th Chris Hammett 3 pts.
15th Amy 2 pts.
16th tie Victoria 1 pt.
16th tie Terry Redeau 1 pt.
16th tie Nicki 1 pt.
Totals Corrected 2/4/'18 wb0s
Another awesome Odd Thursday Night of racing at Al's Ripin' Ridin' Raceway!
Results - January 25th '18
Trans Am
1 Chris K. 65.8 Laps
2 Daniel 65.7
3 Jeff F. 64.2
4 Rico 64.1
5 Mitch 63.8
6 Al 62.5
7 Bill 62.3
8 Fernando 62.0
9 Stan 61.5
10 Gary 60.1
11 Terry Redeau 59.6
12 Jake 53.9
13 Monte 53.5
14 Chris Hammett 53.0
15 Nicki 46.2
Classic Sports Car Div.I - Official NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.5
1 Chris K. 69.9 Laps - 11 points
2 Daniel 64.8 - 10 pts.
3 Al 63.8 - 9 pts.
4 Stan 63.3 - 8 pts.
5 Mitch 63.0 - 7pts.
6 Gary 62.8 - 6 pts.
7 Rico 61.6 - 5 pts.
8 Monte 60.0 - 4 pts.
9 Jake 59.0- 3 pts.
10 Jeff F. 58.9 - 2 pts.
11 Nicki 48.8 - 1 pt.
BRM Group C
1 Chris 71.6 Laps
2 Al 71.3
3 Mitch 71.2
4 Stan 69.8
Incredibly close racing!
We NEED volunteers! Last year it was a last minute scramble to fill the spots for PDX Derby Volunteers, which as chris mentioned we need one for each team. We will also need volunteers in the pits and pushers as well. If you are interested in helping out please let me know!
If anyone is interested in volunteering for the Tow Back Crew, the position I volunteered for last year, I would be willing to consider volunteering the Team Scuderia Transport Vehicle (my Nissan Xterra) for use as a tow vehicle. The volunteer driver needs to be able to efficiently operate a vehicle with a manual transmission (I am not budgeting for a clutch replacement in this deal!).
So there it is, let's get our volunteer list finished early this year!.......PLEASE!!!
Somebody has to be the FIRST LOSER Doc.........I mean #2! do realize that is the same designation as poop, right?
Al, thanks for the racing last night! It was great to see all my friends and to meet some new racers!
OHHHHHHHH.....HOURS..........I thought it was minutes!!!!
Official Results - NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.4 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway
LeMans Class
1st Jeff 70.5 Laps - 10 pts.
2nd Chris 70.4 - 9 pts.
3rd Daniel 68.5 - 8 pts.
4th Mitch 68.2 - 7 pts.
5th Al 68.0 - 6 pts.
6th Greg 66.4 - 5 pts.
7th Fernando 64.1 - 4 pts.
8th Jake 61.6 - 3 pts.
9th Chris Hammet 57.8 - 2 pts.
10th Terry Redeau 52.2 - 1 pt.
Standings After 4 Races
1st Daniel 25 Points
2nd tie Al 20 pts.
3rd Jeff Fields 19 pts.
4th Chris 16 pts.
5th Mitch 15 pts.
6th Rico 13 pts.
7th Greg 12 pts.
8th Gary 9 pts.
9th Fernando 6 pts.
10th Monte 5 pts.
11th Jeff Burns 4 pts.
12th tie Chris Hammett 3 pts.
12th tie Jake 3 pts.
12th tie Stan 3 pts.
15th Amy 2 pts.
16th tie Victoria 1 pts.
16th tie Terry Redeau 1 pt.
Totals Corrected 2/4/'18 wb0s
Race Results from January 11th Odd Thursday Night Race:
Classic Sports Car Div.II
1st Mitch 71.4 Laps
2nd Daniel 71.2
3rd Chris 68.9
4th Al 66.5
5th Jeff 64.4
6th Greg 63.5
7th Fernando 54.9
8th Chris Hammet 53.4
9th Jake 52.3
10th Terry Redeau 49.2
LeMans - Official NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.4
1st Jeff 70.5 Laps
2nd Cheis 70.4
3rd Daniel 68.5
4th Mitch 68.2
5th Al 68.0
6th Greg 66.4
7th Fernando 64.1
8th Jake 61.6
9th Chrisw Hammet 57.8
10th Terry Redeau 52.2
BRM Group C
1st Chris 75.6 Laps
2nd Al 73.7
3rd Daniel 73.0
4th Mitch 71.4
5th Terry Redeau 63.0
Over 50
1st Mitch 71.8 Laps
2nd Chris 69.2
3rd Al 67.5
4th Terry Redeau 56.9
He is an ugly little goomer! At least Yoda is cute!
My wood is MASSIVE, I can't help but stare Mitch!
Oh yeah Doc, that little green guy with the funny ears! I remember now!
Monte, who the hell is Dobby?
I'll try to make the race this Thursday and get the results from Al.
I won, right?
I'm missing the results from the fourth race. Al is having some computer issues. The results are saved on his computer.
Here's a post on Facebook I just ran across. It seems the Puma track our HO club raced on in the 1986 Western States Championship in Seattle has made its way to Illinois! … 670367265/
You guys are tough!
You could always let me know what you decided if I don't make it!
I think that's a very good idea Jeff!
I only listed the classes that were mentioned in the discussions for updating or making changes. As far as I've heard the Le Mans Class is good as it is.
Monte, I think I have them on Google Docs now. Is there a way I can post a link to them here? Or do I have to list everybodies email address to share?
Tell me how to do that Chris and I'll try to get it done tomorrow. Might be easier than having this thread to sort through?
To simplify things and keep everything organized for myself, I have transferred all the comments on the various classes to word documents. I have one word document for each of the classes containing all the comments and suggestions for that particular class. If you'd like a copy of the info regarding any one of the classes (or all) let me know and I'll send it to you in an email.
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