(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for hosting such a fine race Monte and Victoria. What a fun and furious night of racing.

Thanks Bryan for the terrific magnet!

I sure hope Dorothy's Ditch doesn't catch on, (even though my car did spend a lot of time in it) and I want to thank my great crew, Bryan, Tracy, Perry and Tyler, for helping my sorry butt get a second place finish! smile

See you all at the next race!

Monte 1-19-12


http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Okay. At 2:30 this morning, I couldn't find the photos Terry took. Now, I have them uploaded, so there are more pictures. Also, he took a video of the night. Here's that too. smile

Terry Video:

Dorothy Video:

New Pictures Added:
http://s737.beta.photobucket.com/user/S … ?start=all


(9 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Those silly Mayans!

Sorry you had to miss the first Sunday of 2013, but it was for a very reason.

See you all for the first Sunday in February! smile


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Such a great night of racing. Thanks so much Bryan! It's fun racing those smaller cars, especially when they don't go so fast!

Great food, fun racing and it was super to see so many people show up.

Thanks too for keeping the party a secret from me! smile You all were terrific!

Bryan 1-5-13

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for a great night of racing Bill. Pizza was good and lots of people for a fun night of racing! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Back to the tree and cards now!

See you all in 2013!!

Bill NASTE 12-8-12

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all




(9 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

WhooHoo! Congrats to the winners!

Thanks for such a wonderful soup too Victoria! Very tasty!

Thanks for hosting the race Monte and Victoria. Sure hope you really are feeling better today Monte and not just putting on a brave face. smile

Here are some pictures and a video of the race. Thanks to June, there are a couple of pictures of Terry and I racing at the same time.

Spectacular crash at the end of the video race too! Such fun!

See you all on Saturday!

Monte First Sunday 12-2-12

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all



(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

It was a super fun night! Thanks so much Bill for hosting! Please thank Diane again for the wonderful pizza!

What a great night of racing. Good food, great friends and furious races! It was a blast.

Well, except for when Monte told me to Be Quiet. sad


Here are the photos and vids. The second video might not be processed all the way, but it gave me a url so I could copy it. I've got to get back to the turkey and fixings. Have a great rest of the weekend!

NASTE Bill 11-24-12



http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(1 replies, posted in NASTE)

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bill! We spent the day with Terry's family and Ruben!!! I'm fixing our Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday when Amanda and her 'friend' will be driving up to visit. Terry's mom too so will have 6 of us around the table. Amanda has already said she emptied her freezer out and is planning on taking as many leftovers as I'll allow her to have back with her. I've been furiously making treats for them too as well as all I made for the family dinner yesterday and the race coming up on Saturday!


(9 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

LMAO! You are too funny! We are planning on being at the December race and hopefully the January one too.


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

You're welcome Bill. Glad I can get some good shots. Called you earlier and left a message. Perry and June would like to come to the race tomorrow, but looking in my address book, I didn't have an addy for you. smile


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Okay. Just tried to go look at the pictures Victoria, but when I clicked on the link, I got this message.

This content is currently unavailable
The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
Return home

I'll see if I can find them on your wall or in my notifications!


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for hosting Victoria and Monte and glad you like the rum balls. I sent some with Terry for his mom and taking some tomorrow for Ruben. Fun night of racing!! Good food and great friends. Can't ask for better than that! I'll head over and look at the pictures as soon as I'm done here Victoria. I just posted mine on Facebook too, but always try to get them here since I'm not friends with too many racers over there.
Have a great rest of the weekend and see you all in a couple of weeks!

NASTE Monte 11-10-12




http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … 011-10-12/


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

YAY! I've been rolling and dipping rum balls today! Bringing some of them and other chocolate goodies to snack on! See you in a few hours!


(3 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

WhooHoo! Thanks for a great Sunday Victoria and Monte!

A BIG thank you to Bill for getting me to and from the race!!!

Look how consistent Tracy, Jimmy and I were in both races! ;~}

Congrats to Monte and Greg on those terrific wins!

Thanks to Monte, Dave and Jimmy for help with my video!!! I posted it on Ruben's FB page! I'm sure he'll have a comment or two when he gets on there later today!

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

CU Soon



(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

What a great night! Thanks so much for hosting Howie!!! It would be great to have the Halloween race there again next year.

New scoring system would be fun too Bill. I still think the slowest person should have won the night! Tell Cailin she has my vote for being #1 last night!!! Costume? Hm... I might be able to come up with something! We have a whole year to talk about it and see if we can come up with a great scoring system for that special race. Bob got my vote for best car there too!

Thanks Bryan for bringing so much good stuff to eat! Also, Victoria for the pasta, Rico for the fruit, Bill the chicken and chips, plus a big thanks to everyone who brought plates, silverware and napkins. I didn't even think of bringing napkins.

Great pictures too Victoria! Thanks for taking some!!!

Know that Perry, June and Tyler all had a great time too. Heard them talking to Victoria about first Sunday racing too so maybe we have some converts. lol

I didn't get too many pictures or video last night. Might have had something to do with too much Kaluha, but who knows? ;~P Here's what I took though.

See you all at the next race!

Halloween Race 2012




http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

That's too bad Victoria. Still, it's purple so that's a plus!!! Sounds like you're bringing a great dinner!!

No need to bring plates. I saved all those we bought for Larry's race and will bring them. I don't know about drinks. I just planned to bring some water for Terry and I in case there weren't any drinks planned. Oh, also Kaluha since the last time we were there, Howie had coffee brewing. It should go nicely on a day like today. smile


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks!!! Terry says he has controllers to bring for extras. Thanks for the forks Bill and Bryan. Don't know if we'll need them, but always good to have them just in case. Thanks too for the extra cars. If they all don't get put in the same heat, we should have enough for them to run. See you in a few hours!


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

Okay. Guess no one saw my edited post. lol Will bring plenty of plates, but only about a dozen forks. If it's all finger food, that won't matter.

Perry, June and Tyler are planning to come to the race too. Does anyone have leftover cars they might be able to race? Terry is bringing one of his old ones, but I think he might have taken apart the rest of them. Just a thought since those three haven't built cars. See you tomorrow!


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks Bill. Now if I can get Terry to give me the address. lol Finger food sounds good.

I'll bring those plates leftover from Larry's race. I think there might be some forks leftover too and will bring any extras I might have. I think I still have some left from the Van meet. Know I'm bringing cookies and candy, but haven't figured out what all else I'll bring. I'll come up with something though.

Great you're bringing hot dogs Bryan and stuff for them. Thanks!

Good luck with the car Rico! You sure scored, but waiting until the last minute aren't you? smile

Okay. Just looked. The van meet stuff is buried until next summer and there are only about a dozen plastic forks I can bring. If anyone has extras, great. If not let me know and I'll see if I can stop by the dollar store before Saturday.


(57 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, wonders! I am still in shock at being a winner!! smile

Thanks Howie!! It's NOT an enduro though! Fortunately those races only go for three minutes or so. Any longer and I would have been crashing all over the place and that's just NOT a pretty sight! lol Well, maybe to you guys since that would mean you would be pulling away from me.


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

LMAO!!! Sounds just like the rest of us! Terry finally got our cars whittled down to fit the height restriction and that took him quite a while, but not sure if he remembered lights. I think he still has glow sticks. I'm hoping he does anyways. smile Just finished making the Halloween candies and got cookie dough setting up in the fridge. Howie isn't going to supply dinner that night right? Do we need to bring some solid kind of food? Just checking! ;~}

Forgot to say, I need an address!!!! I'm trying to get some more newbies to join us, they can race Terry's old cars, but I don't have an address for Howie!! Please? If you don't want to post it here, send me an email. You should have included the address in the Weekly NASTE email for me. smile


(57 replies, posted in NASTE)

WhooHoo! There's my name!!! The Hammer! What a rush it is to win!! smile

Congrats to Bill for his win too! Finally on his own track! Thanks for the correct spelling for Cailin. I got it changed on the photo! Loved the homies too! 

Great job Victoria for finishing up on the podium too!!! Zen lady is a speed demon.

Also, congrats to everyone who showed up last night since we ALL, with the exception of Cailin, made it into the top 10!!!

Such a fun night and very close totals for every one of us!


(57 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks Monte, but where are the totals??? I was hoping to see my name at the TOP of one of the lists for last night!!!! ;~}

First Place! Thanks so much for allowing me to win at Too Bad Motors last night! Yes, I was driving a magnet car, but a win is a win!!! HeeHee!

Didn't take too many pictures, but still managed to get one of everyone there. Thanks for hosting Bill. Thanks Diane for the cookies and coffee. Thanks for the mixed nuts Victoria. Thanks Tracy for the cookies!

Great to see you all!

As always, pictures were just added to the Bill folder, but these are labeled 10-16-12 Cailin to Bill 10-16-12.

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … 21%202012/

Please let me know if I spelled Kaylin right Bill. If not, I'll change it next time I'm in that folder. Thanks for the correct spelling!


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Great news Rico. Looking forward to racing again at your place. Chili was great and not talking back to me at all! ;~}

Videos from Saturday.

NASTE Rico 10/13/12





(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks Rico for a great night of racing and a big thank you to Kelly for the wonderful food.

Congrats to the winners both on the track and at the game table.

Here are the pictures, but video will have to wait for another time.

http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all