(46 replies, posted in Ebay)

The only one's i remember (if i can still do that) from the old "golden" days were bright yellow, and i never knew they came in other colors.


(46 replies, posted in Ebay)

FYI bidding on this; http://www.ebay.com/itm/301546314575?_t … EBIDX%3AIT


(60 replies, posted in Too Bad Motorplex)

Nice one Monte! Is that the Classic "asp"? You say you have a new body on the way, if you should find a new Classic "viper" body please let me know, or if it is a buy now at some reasonable price please please grab it for me.
Question on Victoria's vette body; are you going to run those wheels on the chassis (w/Gage tires) with them sticking outside the fenders in the back? I kind of need to know so i can cut the fenders out to match tire dia and locate screw holes. We can also discuss this thursday night at the race.


(46 replies, posted in Ebay)

see if the link works this time http://www.ebay.com/itm/301546314575


(46 replies, posted in Ebay)

I placed on bid on this item Classic Industries Viper Vintage 1/24 Slot Car with Extra NOS Body


(46 replies, posted in Ebay)

Here is a womp on e-bay for sale - 191524160344


(60 replies, posted in Too Bad Motorplex)

Rico: I liked you're Classis" Manta Ray box so much that i had to get one too; http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l180/pi … 3486_1.jpg

Thank you Victoria & Big Smooth (and the big presence above) for the food and a great Sunday of being with great racers. Had a fun day of racing and laughing.


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

Sherry & Bryan: Thank you and all that shared their snacks with me. I had another great evening of fun with Naste people and great slot racing. Dorothy please keep up the great candy treats-they are sooooooooo tasty. Bryan you are doing great job of picking cars to run, hope we do not wear them out.


(37 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Bill: I found the fox 10 motors on line today, ordered a couple. I guess i better get some tires now, and get busy finding my womp stash to build up a car. You obviously have too much time on you're hands to keep coming up with these new classes!

Thanks Bill for a great evening of racing, thanks to other racers for sharing their goodies with me. Even though i had a dirty controller that fouled me up i still had fun racing.  And then what i felt was still my controller was i think my guide brushes, thanks to Rico for pointing that out to me, will change to new brushes and reconfigure. Big thanks to Mr Big Smooth for fixing my SCX cuda and showing me what i needed to do to correct the problem. I ran it later and it is a lot easier to drive now. Hopefully i will be a better competitor at next race. For me it is fun sharing car handling tips and having others help me with my car problems. I think that really makes a better group of racing club members when we help each other make smoother running cars, and i feel it makes it more competitive and more fun to race.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Good morning Bill: Did you find time to check and see if you had any/and or extra "Classic Industry's" 1/24 rear wheels? These where the wagon wheel style with six(?) spokes. We discussed this at the last Thursday night race. If you do not then i need to start looking harder on ebay for them.



(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Bill: How is the scaley eagle f-1 rebuild coming together?

Bill: How about adding pictures of the over 50 cars and owners to picture gallery like the picture you took of me with my chap 2d and ford-j car?

Rico - nice bargain find (again). The factory pre painted bodies came in various colors and did not always match the international car color or team color. This next statement is probably wrong, but i believe the colored "foam" tires showed up during the 70's, i do not recall seeing them in the 60's. When i raced with Pacer in the 70's/80's we were getting foam donuts to mount on bare wheels that were orange in color, and we took black permanent marker pens and painted the outside sidewall black.

I thought Rico's Corvair really looked cool running around the track. Made me think that it would be fun to see how many of us racers have some sort of complete 60"s made 1/24 hard plastic slot car so we could have a special race with them run at a lower voltage and have it on video to post on the Naste site & face book sites.

Wild Bill: Thank you for the wild night of great racing. Rico; congrats on you're fastest laps! I wish i could have those quick reflex's you have to run a few more myself.

Thank you Victoria & Monte for opening you're home up to me to come and enjoy racing on you're track(s). Thank you everyone for the food sharing, and Hammer thanks for the great candy! Monte i hope i can sometime share a kindness back to you for the Monogram chap 2d body so i can fix my slot car, that was very generous of you, you are a kind man!

Nice find Rico! Good price also! I am looking for another car to run, maybe still a plastic one that will take a beating without loosing small parts and will still keep on ticking, need to find some "Timex" sponsor stickers for my plastic cars.

Bill: Thanks for the fun night of "hard" racing. I like the new program you installed, i find it fun to help you run it on race night. Rico, do not worry about my car it was not you're fault and it could have been a worse crash. Greg did a great try on reaction time to grab it but that car was moving too fast for him to reach it, thanks for trying to grab it Greg. I did not really realize how fast these 36d motors would run, and i new better than to run that car with all those loose parts that could get broke off. I am kind of with Monte on controllers, we should try some just for the fun/test to find out how the cars would drive.

Uh-Oh! I guess i better start looking for another 1/24 vintage runner to keep up with the "Cuba".


(137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Happy Birthday Mr Manta Ray! Whats up with the cuda? 1/32 t/a car? Keep it box stock now. How well does the new ray run?


(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thank you Victoria and Monte for the food and a fun filled race night. Monte i look forward to running didgy again, you're Carrera system is fun to run. You created a nice layout to race on to. My apologies to team 2 for blowing the last fuel stop, you team members did a great race, Mitch you are so cool and relaxed under race pressure, i wish i could race that way!


(13 replies, posted in Too Bad Motorplex)

Thanks Bill for letting us run the 1/24 vintage cars to get a feel for how well they are going to run. I really think the 9 volt idea is going to allow us to have better racing without (i hope) crash's and do more side by side racing with longer lap runs. I had lots of fun last night,thanks.


(60 replies, posted in Too Bad Motorplex)

Mitch58: Be patient with Canada's mail service! It is faster/better than Europe's mail system (if you call theirs a system), but not as good as we have here in USA. When i order tires from Paul Gage, just a small package takes close to 2 weeks.
