Me thinks you might be a little out of practice.........
1,102 May 8, 2010 7:24 am
Re: Lessons we sometimes re- learn... (26 replies, posted in Track)
I keep it at the 8-plex that you helped me on for the furnace and the gas leak. It can be broken down into two pieces so it will fit in the Toaster.
1,103 May 7, 2010 9:42 pm
Re: Lessons we sometimes re- learn... (26 replies, posted in Track)
Mine is at least 8' long- the offers still there.
1,104 May 7, 2010 6:54 pm
Re: Lessons we sometimes re- learn... (26 replies, posted in Track)
I have a good aluminum straight edge for routing if you want to borrow it.
1,105 May 6, 2010 9:45 pm
Re: NASTE 2010 Schedule (12 replies, posted in NASTE)
In regards to "Are you willing to be part of the solution?", I guess I don't fully understand the problem? I didn't think there was a problem, I'm just not sure what road NASTE should go down next season, or if it should even turn a tire?
There appears to be a lot of viewers on this topic. I'd sure like to hear from some of the newer racers also! ---------------------------Bill
That is what I was trying to say- we need some more input, not that there is a problem, sorry for the poor choice of words. Look at the user list and the number of posts for each user. This forum is for everyone, not just the top three users.
1,106 May 6, 2010 9:12 am
Re: NASTE 2010 Schedule (12 replies, posted in NASTE)
Maybe Naste is at a cross roads? Most of the long time Naste racers are primarily 1/24 racers while the newer members are more 1/32 based. We only raced on one 1/24 track this year (two times once the season is over) and the rest have/will been/be 1/32. I do think that some of the 1/24 track owners would be willing to host a Naste event, they just need to be asked. This subject came up at the last GT-1 race at Howie's. That being said, how many of the the 1/24 guys are willing to run 1/32 on a consistant basis?
Once again, I'm raising more questions than answers, but the way I see it is that the 1/24 and 1/32 groups need to come to some kind of consensus or we will not be able to get this done. Keep in mind this is just my opinion based on what I've seen/heard in the relatively short time I've been racing with all of you. Are you willing to be part of the solution?
1,107 May 6, 2010 8:56 am
Re: Coming soon to the Point (9 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)
Are HRS Chassis allowed?
1,108 May 5, 2010 1:36 pm
Re: NASTE 2010 Schedule (12 replies, posted in NASTE)
I like the idea of a builders class, I think it would be fun, but it clearly is not for everybody that races at Naste races. I believe you already understand this and that is why you have people who want to run the builders class only running one heat of the IROC races. Why not go one step further and run them as a separate series altogether? You are still going to have to run the same number of heats so it wouldn't be much, if any, more time. The hardcore folks certainly aren't going to mind running an extra heat or two. Mony of the folks at Naste races are not hardcore racers, but more like what I would call "dabblers". I don't think this is a bad thing in any way and I think a builders/owners class could go a long way towards keeping both sides happy.
I think a bigger issue is what scale are we talking? This year the majority of the races are 1/32 scale with a few 1/24 and HO thrown in. Would those interested in building have to build cars for all three scales? It is my understanding that your new track, assuming you finish it, is probably able to race 1/32 and 1/24 as is Jeff's track. For the sake of argument, we decide on using 1/32 as the builders class, doesn't that make it more a tuner's series since most 1/32 cars are RTR to start with? To me, 1/24 cars are more of a builder's class, especially if you use brass/soldered chassis but if we go this route then many of the existing tracks would not be usable as venues.
I'm afraid that I'm creating more questions than anwers, but I do believe it needs to be said. If we pool our resources and our heads I'm sure we can hammer out something, but we need more people involved than just the few regulars that post here on the forum. Maybe some type of meeting at or after the last race is in order?
1,109 May 2, 2010 7:01 pm
Topic: Penguin Point Raceway - First Sunday Series Results - May (1 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)
Thanks Monte and Victoria for a scintillating afternoon of sloting. The competition was furious and the stew wonderful, what more could one ask for?
1,110 May 2, 2010 11:13 am
Re: NASTE 2010 Schedule (12 replies, posted in NASTE)
June 8-15 I will be in Hawaii if that makes any difference. I say we race something that we haven't raced before or in some time although the RadioShack cars were lots of fun and worked well on Jeff's track. Just my two Lincoln's worth. I could always volunteer the Fiat Punto's and we have two Citroen SuperSaxo's between Monte and myself that are basically the same car.
1,111 May 1, 2010 9:51 pm
Topic: Round 7 at Rico and Kelly's (3 replies, posted in NASTE)
Thanks everyone for coming out, it was a lot of fun being a host for once. A BIG THANK YOU to Kelly for preparing all that wonderful food and especially random thank you to Dorothy for her trays of treats.
1,112 April 28, 2010 11:24 am
Re: Coming soon to the Point (9 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)
I don't see why the gears would not be interchangable bwetween brands as long as the configuration is the same. You wouldn't want to mix anglewinder gears with sidewinder or inlines, but sidewinder to sidewinder or inline to inline should be ok. I think the gear set in AJ's Fly Ferrari are TSRF and they work excellent.
1,113 April 19, 2010 8:51 am
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
I spent the day behind the wheel. Hillsboro- 8AM, Milwaukie- 11AM, Beaverton- 1Pm, Lake Oswego-1:30, Beaverton- 5PM, NE Portland 5:30PM and finally back home at 6:45.
I seriously doubt everything is A-OK on the digital cars after the whoopin' they got Saturday evening, driveable maybe, but not A-OK.
I can't wait to try out that new track, glad to see you are making progress.
1,114 April 18, 2010 6:10 am
Topic: Naste Race #6 (1 replies, posted in NASTE)
Thanks Monte and Victoria for another fun filled exciting evening of racing. I wish I could have stayed and improved my standing for round 2 but the kiddies had to get to bed. I'll be in Hillsboro around 8:30AM, how about a really late round for me?
1,115 April 8, 2010 10:13 pm
Re: New horizons... (3 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)
I never go there, but I'm kinda weird.
1,116 April 8, 2010 10:12 pm
Re: Thunderjet 500 8 lane track (8 replies, posted in Track)
More or less than you sold it for?
1,117 March 29, 2010 12:50 pm
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Bill- It looks like you've been everywhere but racin lately.........
1,118 March 22, 2010 6:24 pm
Re: north/south endurance challenge 2010 (14 replies, posted in Events)
There we go mucking up the dates again
1,119 March 18, 2010 1:24 pm
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
What in the world are you doing posting on this forum with weather like that? Get busy doing something better!!!!
1,120 March 17, 2010 7:04 pm
Re: Fly Classic Wheels/Tires for the Summer Season (1 replies, posted in BSCC)
After the race last night Randy and I tried running my Fly Classics as set up for Monte's track. Here is what we found:
Chevron B19 with orange end bell motor, revised gearing and the hand out urethane tires: 7.8-7.9 sec laps. The car handled very well and was nicely controllable. It did have some hop down the long straights most likely due to the aforementioned Fly wheels or my poor glue job. This hop is not noticeable on my track or Monte's track.
Next up was the Ferrari 512S, stock motor and gears, stock wheels with some Paul Gage urethane tires (Very similiar in compound to the free hand outs). Once again the car was easy to drive and hand very controllable slides. It ran 8.6-8.8 second laps and would be fun to run.
Lastly we tried the same car with IndyGrips. It was still easy to drive but had that kind of greasy silicone feel that we are all used to from the current class we are running, but lap times dropped to the 8.2-8.3 range.
Any of these combinations would work, we just have to decide what we want to do.
1,121 March 15, 2010 2:42 pm
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Last Friday, Monte sent me an e-mail with a link to Craigslist for an ad with slot cars. It showed 5 vintage style slot cars for $75.00. They were at a collector market downtown Milwaukie, so I stopped by on my way home. I looked all around the place and could not find them so I asked a clerk. She couldn't find them either and made a phone call to someone who told her where they were- hidden in a box on the top shelf. There were 3 boxes branded TEXACO with slot car in them and a couple of Classic aluminum chassis cars with MantaRay bodies along with a bag of spare parts. All the cars were marked $75.00 which I assumed was for the lot until I got to the bag of parts marked $45.00 so I asked if it was $75.00 each. Oh yes, to which I replied "well their neat old cars but way over priced" and promptly left.
1,122 March 8, 2010 8:00 pm
Re: Penguin Point Raceway - First Sunday Race Results - March (2 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)
As always a wonderful time was had by all, way more than enough food and drink, just another day and the Pen.
1,123 March 7, 2010 11:15 pm
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
Sounds like a bunch of tools to me
1,124 March 4, 2010 2:35 pm
Re: Current Status (137 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
You won't get very far on a siezed oil pump but the beer is do able.
1,125 March 3, 2010 11:14 pm
Re: GT1 class (62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Glad to hear you had a fun and safe trip.
CU at the races