(14 replies, posted in NASTE)

Actually it's pretty easy.

The easiest way is to have some storage location on the internet where you can house your images.  Then it's just a link and Bob's your uncle.

What, you didn't make the race?

Go Orioles!  Losers no more!

That ain't sheet mon.  Ask Rico about our trip to the Seattle Enduro some time.  At least the Jimi Hendrix museum was a good time.

I'm reminded of early censorship with song lyrics:

"she sits among the cabbage and peas"

Not to be undone, the line was revised:

"she sits among the cabbage and leeks"

Have a pleasant day however you sit.

Are we heading toward an X rating?  We do have standards.

Do we need to set the bar lower?


(3 replies, posted in Al's Rippin' Ridin' Raceway)

Hahahaha, nice try Doc.

One of these days, like Candid Camera, when you least expect it.

Congrats on the championship Doc.

Victoria and I both hope it goes well for Kelly.


(5 replies, posted in Wanted)

Situation resolved, thanks.


(5 replies, posted in Wanted)

I'd be happy with a body, I have a few skills.


(5 replies, posted in Wanted)

If anyone has a spare they can loose please contact me.

This usually turns out to be an AutoArt car.


(0 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)

I have a lot of track available if someone wants to biuld or extend their home track.

Prices are more than reasonable.

I have:

Carrera Digital
Carrera Analog
Carrera Digital set (1:43)

Track sections can include some border sections as well.

If you are interested in plastic track, please contact me directly: montedsaager@gmail.com

Looks like Al Kabong is still doing pretty good.

Stay on your feet, it's safer there.


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

What happened to the Bob-beard?


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Howdy Sam.

We're all in the same boat here, grab an oar and start rowing.  ;-)

Welcome to the group.


(91 replies, posted in Race Rules)

New member added.  I sent you PM, let me know if you can't find it.


(91 replies, posted in Race Rules)

Class 0.5 for the Cartrix Classics and the Scaley Classics would be a better class.  None of those thin tire Scaley's will compete with the Poli's.  The Cartrix typically have wider tires but slower motors.  The Polis are just faster/better.

I think all the classics are dated prior to 1970.  Perhaps a pre-70 class and a 70's to 80's class for those wider bodied Fly cars for example that would have run against the Poli's.

Hello gents.  The track looks smaller than I remember, no wonder those lap times are so fast.  ;-)

Hey there Stan!  A racer with hair!

Miss y'all.


(21 replies, posted in Track)

Did the track get re-braided at some point?  I remeber Flyin' Bryan being clocked in inches of tape per second.

Wow, I hqven't seen Steve or Lee since Stumman's.  Looks like another good time waws had, but what about that Bob beard?


(11 replies, posted in Wanted)

Found the third one. It's orange.


(11 replies, posted in Wanted)

I would have bought it.  I may have and it's in one of the boxes of unopened cars.

Memory really is the last part of a guy to go soft.


(11 replies, posted in Wanted)

I have the blue and silver cars, no red.


Snicker.  Just making it easier on your viewers.

A pleasant day to you.