I slept much better, no more reading just before bedtime!

I read this discussion last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with this on my mind. I thought I had something to add, I'll give it a shot.
As pointed out, it takes luck, it also takes skill in quickly "reading" each controller, each car, each lane of the track and who is racing and his/her skills. It takes practice, determination, concentration. As in all racing some are better at it than others. Jimmy Johnson comes to mind! It comes down to: how bad do you want to win, how much time to devote to the cause. And whether you take it as stated or just to be there and do the best you can with friends, it is ALL fun to me. And yes Hammer, I am having a great time even though I may not be belly laughing and slapping my knee!!
Marking a track: I think that depends on what kind of system you have. Here at Rapid the computer keeps track of each racer. The only issue is a tie. If at the end of the race you are tied with another racer in total laps and the computer puts the other racer ahead, you can challenge. This is where the clothes pins come into play. If you both put your clothes pins down where your car stopped, there is your answer. If one of the racers failed to put his clothes pin down, and you did, then you will be placed ahead of him/her.
Rules: Oh boy! Here is the deal, IROC racing, you don't need many rules. The type of racing done at Rapid Raceway, OSCAR and other venues where you bring a car to compete, THE RULES NEED TO BE WRITTEN DOWN! So if there is any conflict, you can pull out the written rules. So as a rule writer, I have to try to determine in advance how to write the rules for the racers who "read between the lines".
Code of conduct: I have that written loosely in the rules also. Here is my take on this issue: if I go to a race at another track for a night of racing, I consider that an invite to a person's home, nobody ( so far ) has even come close to making me angry enough to embarrass myself or my host even though it has been tried. I haven't had to ask anyone to leave from my premises yet, but I am not afraid to. Anybody who has been racing for awhile has witnessed the tantrum, it changes the atmosphere real quick, and that racer will be talked about and pretty much it will be decided that he/she is a real jerk. And like Bill said, they pretty much fade away.
OK, I think I may be able to sleep tonight. Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are!!


(4 replies, posted in OSCAR)

mmmmmmmmmmmm..................Flash forward to 2013!! After Dave went into hiding, this Hot Rod class was re-named Early Modified. For us who race them, they are fun. Open wheels are not the monster that some say they are, they handle well and are as fast or a tad faster then the Econo/Sportsman as their chassis are the same design.



(15 replies, posted in NASTE)

You all are welcome on the hosting thing, I really enjoyed it also.  Good time and the food! WOW!


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Bill; I can hardly wait 'till you get this car on the track. I really think it will be a good runner once it is dialed in or maybe right out of the gate!!
When I get back home I will send the latest picture of it to Monte so he can post it on this page because it is an impressive picture in my opinion.

I had a good time at the race, coffee and goodies, what more is there? Oh, the racing of course! I like the Odd Thursday's format.
Well hopefuly I will not have to borrow cars any more, (thanks to Bill and Monte who loaned me cars ) as I ordered a sports car and a GT car from Fantasy World yesterday. The GT car is a pre order so I really don't know when they will show up at my door.
I am having a heck of a time finding better tires. I can not get through the sign in process on E-bay, that is where I found some tires. So today I will look at other venders. Fantasy World was out of what I was interested in.
See ya.


(27 replies, posted in NASTE)

I should have checked this page out sooner. I have plenty of plates and utensils here in the shop stored away for the "big" events.
I had a good time and it looked like everyone else did also.
I don't know what the protocal is for the NASTE group to hold races at different tracks, wether it is by vote or what not, I informed Bill this morning that I would be interested in hosting the Holloween race in 2013. Bill was in favor.
I will do a race report on last nights race on the NWTSR site under "Pit stop" as soon as I can. I have some neat pictures to share.
See ya.

Fellow racers and race enthusiasts: My wife and I hooked up our trailer and headed for Phoenix. We had tickets about 20yrds. north of the start/ finish line up in the stands.
We paid for a 3 day spot in the field outside of the track with a thousand other rigs ranging from huge motor homes to people with just tarps.
Great weather until the night before the race, it rained hard, blew hard, nasty (no pun intended) I figured if this was Portland, the race would be cancelled 'till Aug. But got up raceday morning and the sun was shining at 80 degs.
We were in  for a real culture shock as this was our first major NASCAR event. I'm talking about the fans...... WOW.
I'll give you an example and then quit rattling on.
Got up race day morning to a beautiful day. Standing outside looking forward to a great day of racing. Camped behind us in tents and tarps was about 15 people of all ages. They partied for 3 days solid. I'm fine with that as I have been there. But here comes one of the older ones and told me he had to apologize to me. This guy had the cowboy hat, vest, jeans, boots and believe it or not  spurs on each boot, couldn't tell if he had his six shooters with him or not, I was sort of looking over his shoulder for his horse but to no avail. Any way he told me he had been so drunk the night before that he couldn't remember a thing. His son who was in his thirties or so told him to come and apologize to me. He said, and I quote ( my wife and sister in law are standing near ) " well I guess I whipped out my pecker and relieved myself on your trailer".......... Now what am I supposed to do with that? So I said " well it rained last night and the damage is probably washed away". Then he sort of went on and still talking about the incident when his son came over and told him he was opologizing to the wrong guy, he needed to go to the next trailer and make his peace to the owner and on he went.
Now I see why NASCAR fans like to sit and watch shiny things go 'round and 'round and 'round and.................


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Hey; I can tell you it is nice in New Mexico, no slot stuff, but it is nice.
See ya in a week or so.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Bill; I was just kidding on the glue, I'll share it with anyone. It really is no secret, Gearloose turned me on to it.
On the chassis, they come in a bag full of parts, maybe you know that already. The instructions are in German!!!  I have one in a bag that I'm going to put together soon. I have a couple I can copy if I need to.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Bill; what would the advantage be to me if I told you?

Hey dudes and dudets: the schedule for Rapid Raceway is posted on the Rapid Raceway news under GT-1 class.
I'll have a Bloody Mary without the blood.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Fellow racers; following is the schedule for Rapid Raceway:    GT-1 practice Aug. 13th and 20th. doors open at 5:30.   Sept. 25th. GT-1 race, open at 5:00 pm.   Oct. 9th. GT-1 race open at 5:00 PM.   Oct. 17th. Practice for the 4th annual enduro. open at 5:00.   Oct. 24th. enduro race open at 7:00 am.   Nov.13th GT-1 race, open at 5:00 pm.   Nov. 14th. PASER race, open at 5:00pm.   Dec. 4th. GT-1 race, open at 5:00pm.   Jan. 22nd. GT-1 race, open at 5:00pm.   Jan. 23rd. PASER race, open  at 5:00pm.    March 12th. practice for the OSCAR race, open at 5:00pm.   March 13th. OSCAR race ( Super Stocks ) open at 7:00 am.   April 2nd. GT-1 race open at 5.00pm.   Apr. 3rd. PASER race open at 5:00pm.   Apr. 23rd. GT-1 race open at 5:00pm.   Apr. 24th. PASER race open 5:00pm.  May. 22nd. GT-1 race. open 5:pm.  TTTTHHHHAAATTTTTSSSS ALL FOLKS.

Fellow racers; I screwed up on the GT-1 date for practice. Aug. 13th. at 5:30.
Bill has been filling my glass tooooo much.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Fellow racers; GT-1 practice at Rapid Raceway on the 13th. of Aug. at 5:30PM. I,m expecting a pretty good turn out. Hope to see you there.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Fellow racers; the final rules for GT-1 will be here tomarrow ( May 4. )
I started to type them in tonight but it is 11:00 pm. I'm winding down!
See ya, Howie.


(4 replies, posted in OSCAR)

But it is also lots of trouble, time, and expense to build four cars to see if racers are interested. I'm glad I didn't build four Hot Rods, three guys built four cars ( I built two ) and nobody was interested. In fact they were laughed at by a few despite the fact we installed sealed super sixteens. They ran great and handled good and did not touch wheels and fly all over the area as a few had predicted. For us who raced them, it was a lot fun. But if you don't have a following, the class is over. The four cars are still in existence......mmmm.


(4 replies, posted in OSCAR)

So Dave, what happened? When my name is used to promote something, I expect some action to see things through, or at least a real good excuse as to why it didn't take place. I agreed to have the race and that was the last I heard. The season is pretty much over.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Bill, Hop on over to the Oscar site, I posted an answer to your question and blabbed on and on. Yes we are racing Sat. night. That would be great to get Beaus' car on this sight.


(62 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Fellow racers; we have another completed  GT1 car on board. Beau finished his car and tested it the other day. His car is a beauty as always and performs equal to mine. Hope we can get a picture of it on this page soon.