
(16 replies, posted in Events)

Al Christensen had an excellent drive with his new out of the box stock Scalextric Cougar finishing in 6th place.

Rico Locati blew two motors, switched to my of crappy Camaro, performed some quick massage work, and still managed to post a 5th place finish!

Jeff Fields drove a perfect heat in the Red Lane scoring 32 laps, a new record for the Trans Am cars at The Gorge! Jeff finished in 4th Place.

John Gill drove a consistant and fast race to finish in the 3rd spot.

Monte where-did-he-come from Saager drove an outstanding race, overcoming a multitude of obstacles to finish in 2nd Place!

Bob Nakamura, race host and director, and just plain FAST racer finished in 1st Place. A well deserved win!


(16 replies, posted in Events)

The Gorge Raceway has a nice long front straight!

Everyone had a really good time!

Racers prepare for the start of another heat. The race consisted of 4 rounds of 4 minute heats. Everyone got plenty of track time!

At the end of it all it was time for Bob to announce the results.


(16 replies, posted in Events)

I was able to get a few photos at the race -

Bob provided plenty of practice time before the race.

Left to right at the driver's stations are Jeff Fields, Mitch Brooks, Al Christensen, and John Gill.

Bob looks ready to race!

Nothing but concentration.


(16 replies, posted in Events)

It was an excellent race Bob, looking forward to the next one!!!

I was a recipient of that help today, and would not have had nearly as much fun had you not loaned me your Scalextric Challenger to race. Thank you very much!

Of course then after Rico blew up his second motor he takes my ill handling POS Camaro, quickly works his magic on it, and finishes out the race with my Camaro actually working like an acceptable race car!...............................................................................
Maybe I need a new hobby????!!!!!!!

Beau's Can Am Plymouth Hemi Special for the NASTE Odd Thursday Night Over 50 Class:






Here's some cars Beau Frazier built for our Over 50 Class:

Beau built this vacume formed bodied Grand Sport Corvette using an AMT brass chassis.



Very nice wheel detail!




(9 replies, posted in Cars)






(1 replies, posted in Gorge Raceway)

Thank you Bob for a great race today! Fun track and excellent food made for a wonderful day of racing in the gorge at The Gorge Raceway!



(11 replies, posted in Cars)

There is ALWAYS one more car you NEED!

Lists updated from June 25, '15 race.

It was great to have the track up and running last night, to see my friends, and to trade a little paint! Which there was quite a bit of paint trading last night! It was a very warm evening but the racing excitement seemed to keep everyone engaged (that and the FAN!).

Trans Am Results:
1st Goose Gossett 54.3 laps - Fastest Lap of the Race 9.580
2nd Greg Petrolati 53.9 - 9.688 fastest lap
3rd  Bill Bostic 52.1 - 9.769
4th Rico Locati 51.9 - 9.684
5th  Monte Saager 51.7 - 9.987
6th  Chris Kouba 51.1 - 10.059
7th  Mitch Brooks 51.0 - 9.855
8th  Amy Fields 48.8 - 9.730
9th  John Morse 46.1 - 10.120
10th Al Christensen 45.3 - 10.492
DQ - 1st Jeff Fields 54.9 - 9.102 (trac mag car set up for Sat's race at The Gorge)

GT Class Results:
1st Bill Bostic 60.4 laps - Fastest Lap of the Race 8.460
2nd Monte Saager 58.2 - 8.785 fastest lap
3rd Gary Gossett 55.5 - 8.738
4th Rico Locati 55.4 - 9.008
5th Jeff Fields 53.7 - 8.631
6th Chris Kouba 53.1 - 8.541
7th Greg Petrolati 53.0 - 9.389
8th Amy Fields 52.1 - 9.170
9th Mitch Brooks 51.8 - 9.625
10th Al Christensen 47.7 - 10.189
11th John Morse 46.6 - 9.642

Over 50 Class Results:
1st Goose Gossett 52.0 laps - Fastest Lap of the Race 9.398
2nd Al Christensen 51.8 - 9.576
3rd Monte Saager 51.2 - 9.882
4th Rico Locati 50.7 - 9.617
5th John Morse 49.4 - 9.922
6th Chris Kouba 48.4 - 9.775
7th Bill Bostic 47.9 - 9.518
8th Greg Petrolati 46.0 - 9.742
9th Mitch Brooks 45.6 - 10.351

BRM Porshe 962 Results:
1st Chris Kouba 60.8 -  8.446 fastest lap
2nd Goose Gossett 60.4 - 8.509
3rd Rico Locati 59.6 - 8.479
4th Bill Bostic 55.8 - 8.359 Fastest Lap of the Race
5th Jeff Fields 54.4 - 8.885
6th Al Christensen 54.2 - 9.167
7th Greg Petrolati 52.4 - 8.713
8th John Morse 51.1 - 9.396
9th Amy Fields 48.4 - 9.866
10th Mitch Brooks 47.4 - 9.828


TooBad Motorplex will be open for racing tomorrow night, Odd Thursday June 25th !!!!



(5 replies, posted in Cars)

This is the 1/24 scale version:







(5 replies, posted in Cars)







(5 replies, posted in Cars)







(5 replies, posted in Cars)

More photos of Greg's outstanding Jag;







(5 replies, posted in Cars)

Greg Petrolati AKA Greenman creates some of the most beautiful and well detailed models I have seen. When I say models, in this case I mean actual RUNNING slot car models! And the kicker is he is not afraid to race these beauties! I don't just mean run them, I mean REALLY race them! Greg is a tough competitor and he is not afraid to put a fender on you if the need arises!

Everytime Greg comes over I am like a little kid in a candy store, and I can't help my need to get out my camera. One race with Greg in attendance usually results in MANY photos of new cars and even more photos of some of his older creations. You will find many photos of his beautiful cars all throughout this website. So I figured it was about time I started putting some pictures in one place where all can see his work. Here we go:







John Morse brought out a very cool tool for the club members to use here at TooBad Motorplex. John built a portable tire sanding station complete with an independent power supply and variable speed control. The components are housed in a beautiful handmade box. Features include brass inlaid contact strips for power to the car, and an inlaid machined aluminum block for sandpaper. The sanding station got plenty of break in time and it functioned perfectly! Thank you John!








The 2015 NASTE Challenge Champion - Mitch Brooks!


Nice trophy! Thanks to Bryan Trachsel!

Rico, Looks like there's a new "BEAST" in town, and it belongs to The MEAT!

Lists updated from June 11, '15 race.

Odd Thursday Racing, June 11th - Back Up and Running!

Feels like I've been out of circulation longer than the actual month. But we were back up and running for last night's Odd Thursday race. Extra stuff has invaded my garage so we had to put the pit tables outside, but the weather cooperated and it worked out fine. We had a total of ten racers in attendance racing four classes with four different winners. John Morse added to his Winner's List total with his second (first non-mag) win, with his outstanding drive in the Over 50 Class. Score one for the Manta Ray! Other highlights included Mitch Brooks win in the Classic Sports Car Class, followed by a visit from Bryan Trachsel who awarded Mitch a handbuilt custom trophy representing the NASTE Challenge Championion for 2015! Congrats to Mitch for winning the Challenge Championship for 2015!


Classic Sports Car Class:
1st Mitch Brooks 52.8 Laps
2nd Bryan Dickerson 51.5
3rd Greg Petrolati 50.7
4th Goose Gossett 50.2
5th Chris Kouba 49.3
6th John Morse 49.1
7th Rico Locati 46.0
8th Bill Bostic 44.4
9th Al Christensen 44.0

Vintage F1 Class
1st Gary Goose Gossett 52.4 laps - First Overall + First in Scalextric Vintage Division (SVD)
2nd Bryan Dickerson 51.3 - First in Scalextric Nostalgic Division (SND)
3rd  Rico Locati 51.0 - First in Scalextric Modern Division (SMD)
4th Chris Kouba 49.3 (SVD)
5th tie John Morse 49.2 (SVD)
5th tie Bill Bostic 49.2 (SVD)
7th Greg Petrolati 48.9 - First in Scratchbuilt Antique Division (SAD)
8th Mitch Brooks 48.1 - First in Scalextric Historic Division (SHD)
9th Al Christensen 37.3 (SVD)
* See Rules for Division Updates under Race Rules in the Forum.

BRM Class:
1st Chris Kouba 62.2 Laps
2nd Rico Locati 61.4
3rd Goose Gossett 58.9
4th Greg Petrolati 56.7
5th Bill Bostic 55.8
6th John Morse 54.9
7th Bryan Dickerson 51.2
8th Al Christensen 51.1
9th Mitch Brooks 50.1
10th Cailin Dunbar 40.3

Over 50 Class:
1st John Morse 51.4 Laps
2nd Goose Gossett 50.2
3rd Rico Locati 48.0
4th Al Christensen 47.9
5th Chris Kouba 46.4
6th Mitch Brooks 46.2
7th Bill Bostic 44.7
8th Greg Petrolati 44.4

Congrats to Al MEAT Chrsitensen of his fourth place finish in the Over 50 Class! Al races a KTM/Kemtron powered beast that he actuially raced in the 60s! Al has been massaging and tuning his Cheetah for the TooBad track and his efforts are paying off. When Al first started racing with us his Cheetah would barely get around the track. Now his beast is a front runner and contender evertime it's on the track! This is what the over 50 Class is all about! Great job Al!

Thanks to all that made it out last night! It was great to see you all and to be back on the track!  =======Bill

Race is ON for this Thursday, June 11th !!!!


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Neither of those is the exact same bottle, but it may be the same stuff?


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I did some searching on the web and couldn't find the stuff. Went to the company's site that manufactures the stuff and they don't list it either.

I did find these that look like the same or similar stuff:

http://www.amazon.com/ZUCIT128-128-Ounc … 4D3XJ3SST9

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D8O … KM3RNXFPAE