Here's mine. This is the first time I have ever put a traction magnet back into a car! I finally found the original stock tires for the rear. Has anyone noticed the stock rear tires on the '70 Camaros are taller and wider than those on the Mustang and '69 Camaro? This '70 is now stock.......... again!
UPDATE: This car turned out to be a total let down. It suffered from NO rear grip as the tires seemed to be glazed over even after being sanded. After just two heats on June 27th I was already over 10 laps down. It was such a pitiful exibition Bob Nakamura took pity on me and loaned me his Scalextric Challenger to compete with. I never did make up the deficit, but managed to move up a couple spots. Good news is Rico blew two motors after which he took this Camaro, put the Rico rub on it and raced it for the remainder of the race. During Rico's stint the Camaro actually appeared to be working rather well. It must just be me. Anyway the Camaro is now back on the work bench gutted and being re-fitted for duty as a traction magnet free racer in the Odd Thursday Night Trans Am Class. Maybe I can do better with it there.......................or maybe not.................we'll see.