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More photos of Greg's outstanding Jag;
Greg Petrolati AKA Greenman creates some of the most beautiful and well detailed models I have seen. When I say models, in this case I mean actual RUNNING slot car models! And the kicker is he is not afraid to race these beauties! I don't just mean run them, I mean REALLY race them! Greg is a tough competitor and he is not afraid to put a fender on you if the need arises!
Everytime Greg comes over I am like a little kid in a candy store, and I can't help my need to get out my camera. One race with Greg in attendance usually results in MANY photos of new cars and even more photos of some of his older creations. You will find many photos of his beautiful cars all throughout this website. So I figured it was about time I started putting some pictures in one place where all can see his work. Here we go:
John Morse brought out a very cool tool for the club members to use here at TooBad Motorplex. John built a portable tire sanding station complete with an independent power supply and variable speed control. The components are housed in a beautiful handmade box. Features include brass inlaid contact strips for power to the car, and an inlaid machined aluminum block for sandpaper. The sanding station got plenty of break in time and it functioned perfectly! Thank you John!
The 2015 NASTE Challenge Champion - Mitch Brooks!
Nice trophy! Thanks to Bryan Trachsel!
Rico, Looks like there's a new "BEAST" in town, and it belongs to The MEAT!
Lists updated from June 11, '15 race.
Odd Thursday Racing, June 11th - Back Up and Running!
Feels like I've been out of circulation longer than the actual month. But we were back up and running for last night's Odd Thursday race. Extra stuff has invaded my garage so we had to put the pit tables outside, but the weather cooperated and it worked out fine. We had a total of ten racers in attendance racing four classes with four different winners. John Morse added to his Winner's List total with his second (first non-mag) win, with his outstanding drive in the Over 50 Class. Score one for the Manta Ray! Other highlights included Mitch Brooks win in the Classic Sports Car Class, followed by a visit from Bryan Trachsel who awarded Mitch a handbuilt custom trophy representing the NASTE Challenge Championion for 2015! Congrats to Mitch for winning the Challenge Championship for 2015!
Classic Sports Car Class:
1st Mitch Brooks 52.8 Laps
2nd Bryan Dickerson 51.5
3rd Greg Petrolati 50.7
4th Goose Gossett 50.2
5th Chris Kouba 49.3
6th John Morse 49.1
7th Rico Locati 46.0
8th Bill Bostic 44.4
9th Al Christensen 44.0
Vintage F1 Class
1st Gary Goose Gossett 52.4 laps - First Overall + First in Scalextric Vintage Division (SVD)
2nd Bryan Dickerson 51.3 - First in Scalextric Nostalgic Division (SND)
3rd Rico Locati 51.0 - First in Scalextric Modern Division (SMD)
4th Chris Kouba 49.3 (SVD)
5th tie John Morse 49.2 (SVD)
5th tie Bill Bostic 49.2 (SVD)
7th Greg Petrolati 48.9 - First in Scratchbuilt Antique Division (SAD)
8th Mitch Brooks 48.1 - First in Scalextric Historic Division (SHD)
9th Al Christensen 37.3 (SVD)
* See Rules for Division Updates under Race Rules in the Forum.
BRM Class:
1st Chris Kouba 62.2 Laps
2nd Rico Locati 61.4
3rd Goose Gossett 58.9
4th Greg Petrolati 56.7
5th Bill Bostic 55.8
6th John Morse 54.9
7th Bryan Dickerson 51.2
8th Al Christensen 51.1
9th Mitch Brooks 50.1
10th Cailin Dunbar 40.3
Over 50 Class:
1st John Morse 51.4 Laps
2nd Goose Gossett 50.2
3rd Rico Locati 48.0
4th Al Christensen 47.9
5th Chris Kouba 46.4
6th Mitch Brooks 46.2
7th Bill Bostic 44.7
8th Greg Petrolati 44.4
Congrats to Al MEAT Chrsitensen of his fourth place finish in the Over 50 Class! Al races a KTM/Kemtron powered beast that he actuially raced in the 60s! Al has been massaging and tuning his Cheetah for the TooBad track and his efforts are paying off. When Al first started racing with us his Cheetah would barely get around the track. Now his beast is a front runner and contender evertime it's on the track! This is what the over 50 Class is all about! Great job Al!
Thanks to all that made it out last night! It was great to see you all and to be back on the track! =======Bill
Race is ON for this Thursday, June 11th !!!!
Neither of those is the exact same bottle, but it may be the same stuff?
I did some searching on the web and couldn't find the stuff. Went to the company's site that manufactures the stuff and they don't list it either.
I did find these that look like the same or similar stuff:
When I bought mine it was in with the household cleaning products.
The first gentler cleaner degreaser I tried was Simple Green. It worked pretty well. Then I tried some Purple Stuff I got at an auto parts place. The Purple Stuff was stronger than Simple Green, but like Simple Green it did not damage the plastic even over long periods of soaking. I also used it in my ultrasonic cleaner with improved results.
I used oven cleaner for really tough jobs where the gentler cleaners did not have good results. I watched the parts carefully when using oven cleaner, constantly monitoring the progress. Oven cleaner did not take long, but like Goose said it's nasty stuff!
I'm really liking this orange stuff. It even smells good!!!
So I'm still pretty much still laid up and limited as to what activities I can participate in. I've been able to do some sorting through my large collection of slot car parts, which includes pairing up the old wheels I have. And I have a LOT of old wheels! Most of which have the old sponge rubber tires glued onto them.
Here at TooBad Motorplex we have found that urethane tires work very well, and specifically Paul Gage urethane tires. Well, Paul Gage now makes urethane tires for the old 60's wheels and other 1/24 cars. With the new Over 50 Class we have started racing on Odd Thursday Nights I figured I could use some of those old wheels and reshod them with Paul Gage tires.
First I cut and scraped the old sponge rubber off of a couple pairs of wheels. Of course the sponge rubber was old and hard and it half disintegrated in the process of trying to get it off the wheels. It was way too much work, and it left scratches on the wheels. I always have a covered plastic container filled with some sort of liquid cleaner that I use for stripping paint off of bodies close by. I have recently noticed with the newest cleaner I have been using the cleaner loosens up the glue on the car bodies where parts are glued on. It makes it easier to strip off those parts to restore the bodies. My idea was maybe this cleaner would loosen the glue bonding the old sponge rubber to the wheels?
For the first try I put two pair of wheels in the solution and left them in there for two days. When I removed the wheels from the solution I could easily cut the sponge rubber and then peel it off the wheels. Cool, I put another eight pair in the solution. These wheels I left in the solution for approximately one week. This time I was able to stretch and peel the sponge rubber right the wheels without even cutting them! In addition the solution seemed to bring the softness back to the old sponge rubber! Not only were the tires soft again, they were no longer brittle, and they came off undamaged! They did not tear or chunk apart. I am convinced once the tires dry out completely I could re-use them with just a little sanding to the running surface.
And here's another plus. In this most recent batch were some Mila Miglia wheels which are magnesium. You all know about the corrosion that takes place with those magnesium parts after a few years. I had heard sometime back that you could soak magnesium parts in citrus juice and it would remove the corrosion. This cleaner has citrus juice in it and it would appear citrus does remove corrosion on magnesium because the Mila Miglia wheels came out of the solution clean. The corrosion was gone!
So here's the part you've been waiting for. The most recent solution I have been using is called The Big Orange. It is listed as a cleaner and degreaser. I purchased it at Wallmart. It is great stuff! I strip painted plastic bodies and parts with it, sometimes leaving them in the solution for months with no damage to the parts. One disclaimed though, it will take the chrome plating off of parts!
The NASTE 2015 Point Series Championship is officially over. The final race of the season was race no.14 on May 16, 2015 at Autumn Hills. Congrats to Bryan Trachsel the 2015 Point Series Champion, and to Mitch Brooks the 2015 NASTE Challenge Champion.
Due to my current family and medical issues I have been unable to provide the conclusion to our racing season I had originally planned upon. Rather than making repeated attempts to reschedule the final event, I have decided to conclude the series for this season. I will schedule the 2015 Shoot Out, which was to be the final event for the season, as the first race for the 2016 season. The Shoot Out format will be as originally planned, making the first race of the 2016 season a special event. Per the rule changes for the 2016 season, the Shoot Out will be scored for points for those racers participating in the Point Series Championship for 2016.
My deepest apologies to all for the interuption to the schedule and disappointing end to our season. I fully plan to make up for it in the 2016 season!
I plan to continue with the Odd Thursday Night Race schedule, but please check the calendar on the NASTE website for any updates I may have to make.
Thank you all! ============Bill
Hey y'all,
Just thought I'd check in. I'm feeling better. I go back to the doctor next Wednesday, so hopefully after that I'll be back up to speed.
Thanks to Monte for taking the Odd Thursday Race date for this Thursday the 21st. I'm sure everyone will have a great time running the proxy at Penguin Point, as well as our usual Odd Thursday classes.
Last note to John Morse. Thanks again for that way cool original Womp chassis! I don't think I've seen one that old and in as nice of shape! Original motor and all! I have a very nice old original Womp Corvette body I have had stashed away for some time. Next time you see that Womp I should have the body mounted on it, and it will occupy a spot in my display case!
Nice stuff Rico.
5 watchers = John, Mitch, Tracy, Bryan, Terry?????
Sorry I couldn't make it Rico. I definitely would have been there if I could have!!!
I LOVE racing at the Hills, especially if the Fickle Fiats are on the grid!!!!
It sounds like I missed a great race and a good time at the Hills!
Lists updated from May 7, '15 race.
Class 5 - Vintage F1 Rules have been updated as of May 13, 2015.
Odd Thursday Night on May 7th was not a particularly good night for me. I was unable to participate in the racing at TooBad Multiplex, but fortunately for me and other racers, NASTE is chocked full of good friends who are more than willing to help out when needed. People that I am truly grateful for, and proud to call MY friends! Thank you all for stepping up and continuing our Odd Thursday Racing schedule!
Here are the results I have from the night of racing:
Vintage F1 Class
1st Gary Goose Gossett 54.9 laps - First Overall + First in Scalextric Vintage Division (SVD)
2nd Dennis Hart 53.8 - First in New Era Division (NED)
3rd Jeff Kid Fields 52.3 - (SVD)
4th tie Rico'chet Locati 50.1 - (SVD)
4th tie Evil Jimmy Jones 50.1 - (NED)
6th Greg Greenman Petrolati 49.0 - First in Scratchbuilt Antique Division (SAD)
7th John Morse 47.6 (SVD)
8th John Fisher 47.2 (SVD)
9th Amy Fields 46.7 (NED)
10th Al Meat Christensen 45.4 (SVD)
11th Bryan Dickerson 45.2 - First in Scalextric Nostalgic Division (SND)
12th Mitch Brooks 44.9 - First in Scalextric Historic Division (SHD)
* See Rules for Division Updates under Race Rules in the Forum.
Classic Sports Car Class:
1st Mitch Brooks 51.2 Laps
2nd Greg Petrolati 50.8
3rd Bryan Dickerson 50.7
4th tie John Morse 48.0
4th tie Rico Locati 48.0
6th Jeff Fields 47.8
7th Al Christensen 47.7
8th Amy Fields 43.0
Over 50 Class:
1st Gary Gossett 53.9 Laps
2nd Rico Locati 52.4
3rd Bryan Dickerson 51.1
4th John Fisher 49.6
5th Al Christensen 48.8
6th John Morse 48.0
7th Greg Petrolati 47.4
8th Mitch Brooks 43.9
9th Jimmy Jones 34.6
A couple of you may have noticed you picked up nicknames. I hope you're OK with them......if not.....well, Too Bad!
Al, when I was doing the last race recap it just hit me! It was either Smoke or MEAT. Smoke has already been made famous, so it was MEAT!...........I like MEAT better anyway!
Ok, ok.......that photo was taken with the Paul Gage tires on it........HOWEVER, in the process of removing the original tires and then re-installing them I rubbed most of the lettering off!
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