I'm fine with this class and rules as Chris has them written. I would list Chris as the class sponsor and assign all class rule issues and questions to him.


From Mitch Brooks:

I did the same last night. I had a Fly 250LM that I had changed the wheels and lowered the body. So I found the stock axles, wheels etc. And lengthened the body post to clear the stock wheels/tires. It actually runs pretty good. If we pursue this I'll probably replace it with a Porsche 906. We have several Ferraris and GT40s. You can never have to many Porsches.

From Chris Kouba:

I will start this email by directly addressing Bill and then bring everyone else into the conversation.

Bill- Mitch indicated you were thinking of changing the Classic's category to slow it down a little.  I understand the idea behind this but my plea is to let the class continue unaltered.  Goose, Mitch, Al and I talked about a new "Fly and Scaley Le Mans" class with stock motors, wheels, chassis, gears, and bodies.  Follow along below and be brought up to speed...

After our discussion last night, I went home and couldn't sleep.  I snuck down into the basement and dug through a box of Fly's to play with.  I found a little lead and a box with some rubber tires in it and decided to go to town.

Surprisingly, I found a GT40 (who'd a thunk??) and a pair of rubber tires which fit it well.  I ran that one a bit and found another GT40, fitted the same tires and added some weight (had to grind the chassis a little).  That one was much more consistent and about as quick.  In both cases, the car met the objectives we were talking about Thurs night- it looked great, handled well enough, and was speed-appropriate for something we're calling "classics".  I think it'd make a great alternative to any changes in the current classics category.  Maybe call this the "Le Mans Classics" category.

Based on my initial tinkering, what I am thinking for rules is this:
Except for the following allowances, car should be box stock.  Specifically this means-
Stock motor
Stock wheels
Stock gears

The allowances-
Traction magnet must be removed
Any rubber/urethane tires may be used
Guide and braid free to replace
Guide may be shimmed to appropriate depth for track
Grinding only to fit weight in is acceptable

If it's not mentioned, you can't do it. 

As we discussed, break the category into two classes- front vs rear motored and classify the results as such.  If the intent is to run the 250GTO's, 250LM's, 512's, P330's, GT40's, T70's, 906/908/910's and 917's together, I think an appropriate cut off year would be any Le Mans competitors modeled by Scalextric or Fly which ran in the 1971 event or prior

The less we regulate, the better off we are.  One thing I was thinking about was adding this rule:
Stub axles may be replaced with a single, solid axle at the front


Another fun event at Penguin Point! We got to meet two new racers, Betty & Myron. Thanks to Monte & Victoria for excellent food and racing!.

Yes, it's been nice to have Stan in attendance! He's a great competitor to race with!

Thanks Goose.

I have the results listed correctly then I assume?


(3 replies, posted in Cars)

Womps are great chassis to use as "re-builds"! The Womp rear axle mounts are set up for a minimum .750" wheel/tires to attain track clearance. From the looks of how the body sits on the chassis you may have to raise the back of the body up a little to allow for bigger tires to get the needed track clearance?


(3 replies, posted in Cars)

Hi Jeff,

A few ideas I've used before.

a. Sounds like you probably could thread the axle, or if the Reveel wheels are not threaded put press on you could possibly glue them on. Another option would be to swap out the rear axle for either a solid axle or a threaded axle (I have lots of threaded axles). Both of the axle swapping options would probably require replacing the crown gear also.

b. Do the front wheels rotate free on the front axle? If so I would think you could JB Weld the front axle in place, or you could JB Weld a pice of tubing in place and run the axle through the tubing so the whole assembly could rotate.

c. Personally I don't like the pin setups. I think the B-Nova guide would be a better option. Or you could use a pice of flat brass drilled with a hole for a Slot.it guide flag. The longer you can get your guide flag pivot from the rear axle centerline the better.

d. Yes, I would also go with the stock motor.

(BTW - just a reminder the Thursday races are on odd dated Thursday nights).   ========Bill

P.S. Were you at Al's race last Thursday 3/3? If so I posted the wrong Jeff in the results!

Looking for some clarification since I was not at Al's for the last Odd Thursday Night race. Was it Jeff Fields at the race or did I list the wrong "Jeff"? Was Amy there, I only saw her listed in one race?

OOPSSSSS.................I can fix that!

Thanks Smooth!

Lists updated as of Mar. 3, '16 races.

It looks like there was some fast and very close racing at Rippin' Ridin' Raceway on March 3rd!

Congrats on your win in the Over 50 Class Mitch!

Congrats to Goose Gossett on his 70th Odd Thursday Night win!

Unfortunately I was unable to attend, but here are the results:

Classic Sports Car
1st Gary Goose Gossett 65.4 Laps
2nd Mitch Brooks   63.9
3rd Chris Kouba    63.3
4th Greg Petrolati   60.5
5th John Morse  56.8
6th Al Christensen   56.7
7th Stan Smith   56.2
8th Jeff Fields    55.7

Can Am
1st Chris Kouba  69.2 laps
2nd Gary Goose Gossett 68.8
3rd AL Christensen   67.4
4th Amy Fields 67.1
5th Greg Petrolati 62.9
6th Mitch Brooks 60.6
7th Jeff Fields 56.9
8th Stan Smith 56.7
9th John Morse 55.4

1st Chris Kouba   73.5 laps
2nd Al Christensen   73.0
3rd Mitch Brooks    68.4
4th Stan Smith    67.7
5th Gary Goose Gossett   66.0
6th John Morse   63.8

Over 50
1st Mitch Brooks 67.8 laps
2nd Gary Goose Gossett  66.9
3rd Al Christensen   65.0
4th Chris Kouba   62.5
5th Stan Smith   61.0


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

My Team Bluegroove Cheetah bodies arrived! They look great! What I like about these bodies is they are thicker than the normal clear Lexan bodies. team Blue groove's bodies are .030" think. They are far more rigid and durable, you can even cut out the window openings for more detail. The blue tint is a protective covering that peels off.

Their Ebay store is here: http://stores.ebay.com/teambluegroove/



Lists updated as of Feb. 25, '16 races.

Odd Thursday Night at TooBad on Feb. 25th.

We had 15 racers for the first race of the night. The ever popular Trans Am Class started the night off. Amy Fields scored the most laps, but with a traction magnet installed her car did not conform (n/c) to the rules for a racer that has previously won at TooBad. That gave the official win to Bryan Trachsel. The Goose finished second only half a lap behind. The racing was very close!

The next class to hit the track was Vintage Formula 1, which consists of various divisions covering every F1 car made! Again Amy Fields posted the most laps, but the use of a traction magnet leaves her with another n/c in the finish column.  The official overall win went to Gary Goose Gossett, second to Bryan Trachsel, and third to Monte Saager. Again it was very close racing.

As the crowd thinned out more after the second race it was decided to race the BRM Porsche 962 Class as the final race of the evening. We were down to just five racers, which makes corner marshalling just as exciting as racing! Thanks to some problems I was able to score the win over Goose, with Bryan Dickerson coming in third.

Here's the results:

Trans Am
n/c Amy Fields 55.8 - traction magnet
1st Bryan Trachsel  54.4 laps
2nd Goose Gossett 53.9
n/c Dorothy Abbott - traction magnet
3rd   Bill Bostic 52.3
4th Bryan Dickerson 52.2
5th Victoria Saager 52.1
6th Chris Kouba 51.8
7th Jeff Fields 51.5
8th John Fisher 50.2
9th Greg Petrolati 50.0
10th Mitch Brooks 49.2
11th -tie Stan Smith 48.1
11th -tie Terry Abbott 48.1
13th Monte Saager 46.7

Vintage F1
n/c Amy Fields 55.9 - traction magnet
1st Goose Gossett END  54.7 Laps First Overall + First in Division END
2nd Bryan Trachsel SVD   53.9 - First in Division SVD
3rd Monte Saager SVD    53.3
4th Bryan Dickerson END   52.6
5th Bill Bostic SVD  51.5
6th Jeff Fields MD  49.2 - First in Division MD
7th Greg Petrolati SWD   49.0 - First in Division SWD
8th Mitch Brooks SVD   47.8
9th Victoria Saager SVD    44.3
10th Stan Smith SHD  38.8 - First in Division SHD

BRM Porsche 962
1st Bill Bostic  61.3 laps
2nd Goose Gossett   60.6 - Toyota
3rd Bryan Dickerson    58.3
4th Stan Smith   52.7
5th Mitch Brooks    51.1

Thank you to all that made it out to race!   =========Bill


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Pretty cool!


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Hi Dorothy, thank you again for all the pictures and videos you take for us. This video is one of your best I believe!

Also got this email from my Uncle Keddy in Georgia: "Sure enjoy the video's u post of racetrack racing."


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

And a WIN to boot if I remember correctly Al!!!!


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Dom did an excellent job! He was FAST!


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

I also had a great time at Al's! It was a very good first run on his outstanding track! The Womps were a hoot! Thanks Al!




(2 replies, posted in Cars)

Team Blue Groove now has clear Cheetah bodies available!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-24-CHEETAH-RI … SwFNZWx5Nn


(4 replies, posted in Cars)

I might be able to fix you up "Flyin' One"..............................


(4 replies, posted in Cars)

Here's a couple pictures of Glenn Heath's latest build:



Something to race your '57 Ford against Bryan!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

Update from Dennis hart:

1. Application is complete. I will go over it with the team or send a copy to anyone who wants one right away.  I took the liberty of assigning you as second in charge. Only surprise is a $200 fee to be paid by April 30th.  We can sell 20 additional shares or I will personally front the money and figure it all out later.

2. I have purchased 2 SBD axles for $50 including shipping from back east. They are in good condition and useable.

3. I want to purchase a simple back up camera to be mounted on the tail looking backward. (aprox. $50 )

4. It looks like $500 will cover materials,  I have sold 5 shares here to friends at the resort.

5. Attached is a copy of the livery that I recommend.

I consider us on track, time wise, at this point.  Will call a meeting to bring the team up to date and set some work sessions as soon as I come home at the end of March.

Still feel the need for speed.

Attached a drawing I sent to PSBD for you to put on the NASTE website if you wish.


(4 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

And very good pictures they are!