(9 replies, posted in Events)

We'll run this proxy on Sunday at 2ish. Those who can come bring whatever you might like to run, we may as well enjoy some open track time while we're at it.


(0 replies, posted in Track)


This was what was on my table before I found NASTE.

I was just about to start building hills and landscaping when one night after visiting Dad in his care facility I came home and tore it out and started putting the Strombecker track together.
I don't think I even had any 1/32 scale cars, I just needed something to do with my hands. It was when I found that none of my "start" tracks were any good that I contacted a stranger named Bill on Facebook to learn how to wire it up.

Sometimes after racing at Terry's or Bryan's I miss this setup.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

How does this Sunday ( 6/13) afternoon work for running this proxy?, Say 2pm?

No. Leave a message and he'll get back to you. He is also a regular visitor to this site.

kidvolt wrote:

Al get a new phone?


(9 replies, posted in Events)

32 cars total



(9 replies, posted in Events)

I've qualified the cars and we need to set up a race day sometime in the next couple of weeks. we talked briefly about tomorrow afternoon but that's not going to work for me.

We also talked about maybe and even Thursday race. We can give it some thought, we are not in a hurry as the cars got here much sooner than expected.




(1 replies, posted in Events)

I got home from the beach this evening to find a box of Proxy car on my front porch.

I'll start Qualifying tomorrow, then we'll have to pick a time to run this.


(3 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Not for me Monte, My 86 year old mother is providing me with all the drama I can handle at the present time.


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Though I only knew him a fraction of the time that you have, I always enjoyed his company. He was very knowledgeable about slot

racing and I found him to be very generous when it came to sharing that knowledge.

We've missed his company these last couple of years and will miss him even more now.

Our thoughts go out to his friends and family.

The sound of the contact is still ringing in my ears.

docdoom wrote:
reek455 wrote:

Thanks again for another fun night of racing. Competition was close and fierce but largely clean.

I only got into Al once. That  off in the sweeper was all on him. There no video proof to say other wise.


(18 replies, posted in Events)

Let me know what you find Doc, I have ahem, some...

They may need a bit of tire work as they
ve been sitting for a while.


(18 replies, posted in Events)

Tomorrow night at Al's, LMP and GT3

Chris K built one that way for a proxy, it was lightning fast yet easy to drive. I tried it with my 956 but it wasn't the came. I never tried it on my 962 as it was so quiet and smooth, but if I can't get it below 5.7 I may try it.

To be competitive in that class I need to be able to run 5.5 and still keep it in the slot for 27 laps at a time.

Cool, shall we build some?

The 962 is for the following race. I fiddled with it and got it to run a 5.70 but can't get it into the 5.6s. I did get the Mosler to hit 5.50 but couldn't get a 5.49. But then I couldn't repeat the 5.50 either.
the 962 is geared 9/28, I tried a 27 tooth crown gear but it slowed down a bit, it must be coming out of the corners a bit slower. i'll probably leave it as it is with the 9/28, it is quick enough but is fairly easy to drive too.

I can get the Mosler down to 5.5 but not very lap, I kind of have to sneak up on it, 5.6s are no problem.  Going to work on the 962 tomorrow, 5.8 seems to be its limit at the moment.

I've got my Mosler running 5.6 on a regular basis, we'll see how it goes.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

It was


(7 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

He is moving to the PHX area


(9 replies, posted in Events)

CrashPilot wrote:

Hi guys I'm so glad Al will be opening his house again. I can't wait to race again. Forgive me Mitch but what is PGE Pre-Ground Effect means? Is this Sportscar Era Class? They need to be Carrera as well?

The PGE is the pre ground effects era of our GT class, the exact years are in the rules section of the website

  The other are Carrera brand DTM cars, the rules for these are also on the website, basically they are stock Carrera that are tuned as best as possible using the original parts. 

These are not typically lightning fast though I'm sure that one or two may be.

I think you should leave the flat spots on the tires, well just because.

Wanabgts wrote:

Cannot wait for this escape. Thank you Al for allowing us to once again visit.

I am going to have to work hard on these cars!



(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

Barring the unforseen I'll be there.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I'll have the track open next Sunday at 2PM for just running cars, testing, and maybe an odd race if we can decide on something, I'm up for anything as all of my cars will be there.
  Al is returning to odd Thursday racing this very next odd Thursday. First up is Carrera DTM and PGE. This might be a good time to get some laps on these.


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

Text me Where and I'll be there


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'll come and I don't have a car in the race. Just let me know the date.