Topic: November 2015 - First Sunday

Big thanks to all those that came to play yesterday.  The sun came out and for a bit it still seemed like summer was close at hand.  However it didn't take long for the clouds to reappear and the rain to start to fall.  Nevertheless we raced, and we raced well and probably ate too much.  Ahhh, first Sunday.

Ninco Race:

1.  Jeff Fields - 45.3 laps
2.  Tracy Flood - 44.5
2.  Greg Petrolati - 44.5
4.  Victoria Saager - 42.6
5.  Monte Saager - 42.1
6.  Mitch Brooks - 42.0
7.  Amy Fields - 40.6
8.  Al Christensen - 40.4
9.  Jimmy Jones - 37.0
10. Todd Flood - 36.3

IROC - Ninco Stratos

1.  Tracy Flood - 39.2
2.  Greg Petrolati - 38.9
3.  Mitch Brooks - 37.0
4.  Jeff Fields - 36.9
5.  Monte Saager - 36.3
6.  Al Christensen - 35.1
7.  Victoria Saager - 34.8
8.  Amy Fields - 31.8
9.  Todd Flood - 29.2

The next First Sunday is scheduled for December 6th, we'll see you then.

"Big Smooth"