Topic: PASER Even Thursday Race at Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway

The 2024 racing season is officially on! We had a good turn out of drivers for the Even Thursday race on September 28th. After some of us met for a bite to eat at 3:30 PM, the doors opened at 5:00 PM. By 6:00 PM and time for the Womp race we had 8 cars on the grid. One of the new racers to fill one of those spots was Greg Watkins. Greg also races HO, and he quickly adapted to the Womps! Womp racing isn't for everybody, but it does provide some really close, competitive racing! Rob Enders was lightning fast as usual, and was able to stay in the lead until the checkered flag dropped. Here are the Womp race results (you can see just how close the racing was!):

1st Rob 109 laps
2nd Bill 109
3rd Kirk 100
4th Frank 98
5th Bart 97
6th Tim 95
7th Mark 82
8th Greg 79

As the Womp race came to a close and we readied for the 7:00 PM Flexi race, two more racers showed up. Jerry (Gearloose) and Ken Palfenier brought out their beautiful Can Am cars, ready for action! This was Ken's first visit to Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway since it was moved from Bob McFarland's shop in Aurora. Ken adapted quickly to the new course configuration, and had he not suffered an equipment failure, I'm sure he would have finished higher in the field. Frank Lynn entered his brushless motored car. Although the NASCAR style body presented a slight disadvantage, the car showed real promise! It was extremely fast, and never got even a little hot! In the end it was Kirk Smith in the lead for the win. And just like the Womp race, the competition was close! Flexi race results:

1st Kirk 139 laps / 4.492 best lap
2nd Bill 139 / 4.360
3rd Gearloose 131 / 4.745
4th Bart 130 / 4.961
5th Rob 122 / 4.235
6th Tim 121 / 4.650
7th Frank 112 / 5.199
8th Greg 107 / 5.223
9th Mark 106 / 4.620
10th Ken 98 / 4.967

Re: PASER Even Thursday Race at Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway

I'll  still had a little jet lag from the trip back Wednesday. Didn't  get into Portland  till 1230 at night . Thursday  was a my only rest day. Road trip to Yakima  for the weekend so it been go go last two weeks for me. Be nice to get back to work so a I can get some rest

The secondnidator

Re: PASER Even Thursday Race at Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway

I had to miss out because Dominic had two football games Thursday. JV at Sunset, a 12-6 win and a TD. Followed by a Varsity game at Aloha where he could only play one quarter. Game was a total blow 70-0. Due to running clock only got one touch but made the most out of it by going 40 yards for a TD.
Good news for me- no games this Thursday, so I can come out and race.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.