(13 replies, posted in Too Bad Motorplex)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Bill,
Well living down here in Salem has been ok for work - but it sucks for slot cars!!! - serious withdrawl
Anyway I just logged on and saw your new track - it looks great!!!!!
Hope you, your family and the whole gang are doing well - Miss you guys!
All the best,
jag007@clear.net - in case you forgot - lol


(61 replies, posted in NASTE)

The windshield & the Bug.
I'm sure you've all been there - but it seems of late I've been the bug and not the windshield.
As some may know I was recently served a no fault 60 day move notice and my last day is June 17th.
Without going into details, this could not have come at a worst time financially and I'm in serious crunch.
The pressure is getting to me and I'm quite honestly scared about where & how I'll move.

As a result and with great personal sorrow I must remove myself from availability for the Race.

Please accept my deepest apologies -- and if anyone has a winning lottery ticket I sure could use an extra $700.00



(4 replies, posted in NASTE)

It was great fun having everyone who could make it over.
Now that it is over I think I'll sleep for a solid 24hr's - LOL

I hope the new layout provides some smooth, fast & challenging racing.

Once again Milwaukie is a slot car mecca - Yea Baby!
