(138 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Nice track.


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I finished reading through the rules for each class and found that a few of my cars are really close to meeting the rules for a couple of the classes.  I will definitely let you guys know when I can get up there for a race.


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

The first thing I am going to do is try and rejuvenate the factory tires, I noticed some imprinting from the texture of the base due to how long they had been in the case.  When I sat in on the zoom chat I raised that question and received some excellent help from an older gentleman I believe was in England that everyone agreed with. I would also quickly know if I needed new tires with how they reacted to the treatment. I also noticed the axles ran in plastic bushings instead of harder material, so that is another way to improve them. The Monogram cars have the engine in the front, so if I add a little weight in front of the rear tires, it should improve traction. I also learned on the zoom chat that if I did need to replace the tires, get a better compound like urethane so the tires would work on a wooden track as well. I am just happy that some of the things that have been suggested I actually retained.  lol


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks for the warm welcome, and don't worry about my wallet unless you take dust bunnies for payment. 

Due to how far away I am, how expensive fuel is at the moment, and if my schedule would even match up with one of your club nights, I have no idea when I can actually get together with you guys in person. So for now, I will be living vicariously through you. lol

I guess my baby steps, so to speak, is to aquire more track(Scalextric analog) so I can practice at home. I would also like to get your suggestions on how to get the cars I already have to perform and handle better, so when I actually get to a real track, hopefully the cars are not the reason I embarrass myself. Like I mentioned before, I build models and am more than willing to do some trading if anyone is interested.


(13 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Sorry it took so long to say "hi", the brain has been frazzled for a number of days now. Trying to wrap my head around slots once again has caused a short circuit. Like most, I got my start with HO as a small child. Then got into 1/24 pretty heavy about 1989-90 all the way into about '05 when all the tracks that I could get dried up and closed down. Sold all of it when the recession hit in '08, but bought a basic Scalextric Mini Cooper set when I noticed how detailed the 1/32 cars had become. Since I build models it really intrigued me. I traded for a few more cars but then everything got put away due to a move. I was going to get rid of it right before covid hit but could not complete the deal due to the guy living up by Seattle.  My intrest was rekindled last week....and so here I am.