(15 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

After some further checking at TrueScale some bodies when you click on them list lexan or PTEG, not all bodies are available in PTEG.


(15 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Bill- I finally found a link to Tom Anderson, the VSC stands for Vintage Slot Car and believe me it took some digging.  Look here: http://home.comcast.net/~ch2a/vsc.html
I could not tell the difference between regular lexan and the PETG at True Scale either and I don't really see an advantage to using it.  Especially if it is that hard to find


(15 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Couple of questions.
1.) is this the same chassis as the GT-1's? 
2.) I take it GT-1 is dead?
3.) CanAm didn't didn't start until 1966 and ended for good in 1977. What bodies are acceptable prior to '66?
4.) I have a Ferrari 312PB body mounted to a Flexi chassis, would it be legal?


A certain rally track comes to mind...

Keep up the good work Bill, looking good.



(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

And you called your 356 Tippy, this is the new definition of tippy, which necessitated the low placement.  Actually the magnet holder is lower and I ground some of it off because it was hitting the track.


(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well, ok then, lets get started.


I received this car for Father's Day and while not my first choice of cars it was a gift and therefore not returnable, at least not to me.  Of course I tried it out of the box with the magnet and it was about what you would expect, not great but not too bad.  Next step after trueing the stock tires was to remove the magnet.  We are now going no where in a hurry, no traction, fish tailing like crazy and the guide won't stay in the slot.  Aftermarket tires are not readily available and the stock wheels are fairly worthless with the trademark Revell rib that makes it nearly impossible to use any other tire, so they had to go.

Placing the car on the set up block showed the guide was very shallow in the slot.  I suppose I should have replaced the guide and I still might, but there had to be another way to make the guide lower in the slot.  Revell has devised a front axle block that it uses on all the different vintage Nascars and locates them with different strips with holes in them. (see pics)



I figured out by placing the strips on the bottom of the axle holder instead on top where they belong it would lower the chassis/guide in relation to the front wheels.  One problem solved and it made the car look like a more serious race car. 


I removed the rear wheels and found that SuperWheels by Slotcar Corner were the proper size and I just happened to have a spare set along with some urethane tires I recieved from a slot brother in France that fit the wheels perfectly.  I then turned the stock wheels down to fit inside the replacement wheels.  This was the easy part but things have a way of going badly and this next step was my Waterloo.  The now inserts fit in the wheels ok but they stuck out too far.  I filed them down as far as I thought was safe but they still stuck out.  What if I use my Dremel to make a small indentation in the center where it was hitting the hub?  The first one turned out pretty well but I got carried away on the second one and it is rather deformed.  This and grinding down the wheel hub resulted in a decent enough fit.

Next I experimented with weight placement and this is what I came up with.


The car now ran reasonably well but was still very noisy so I glued the interior, front and rear bumpers to prevent them from rattling.


The car now runs as fast as it did with the magnet and it much more driveable and stays in the slot.  The crappy Revell gears are still loud and provide little braking but those are things I can live with for now.



(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks Bill, we did almost a 1000 laps in the last three days just messing around.  I managed to make a Revell Vintage Nascar into an almost succesful slot car among other things.



(8 replies, posted in NASTE)

Happy 4th everybody.


Wow, you've been a busy boy and it looks to be a real challenge.  How many feet is that bad boy? I know you are not in a hurry but will it be ready for a NASTE race next season?


Thanks once Monte and Victoria for a scintillating day of racing.  I left fat, full and happy with a victory and a 2nd place in the proxy.

Thanks again


(2 replies, posted in NASTE)

Are we done with the Naste season or is there going to be some kind of end of year meeting/race?



(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Now we're gunnin' fer you!


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

Sorry I had to miss the race, but family obligations have to come first.  Sounds like I missed a good one.


Oh crap, time to start tuning again.....


(44 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Seriously, we do have a choice to make and fairly soon.  I like the CanAm proposal as I already have several canidates.  What about any of the following:

1) SCX Nascar, most of us have one or two, they are cheap and plentiful.  Easy to administer as they are all pretty much the same
2) Open cockpit LMP cars, lots of brands to choose from SCX, Scaley, Fly, Avant and others.  Harder to set rules too but doable.
3) TransAm.  Lots of makes with similiar performance- Scaley, Carrera, Pioneer, Fly. 



(44 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

I already have a purple car and it's name is Grimace.


(44 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

That's it, put the screws to 'em. :-)

Not easily with Scaley cars

Scaley cars do not mix well with the Point, the guides are too small and shallow.  I fear it would be a deslot festival and not easily correctible.

Thanks once again to Monte and Victoria putting on one heck of a race with the largest turnout for a First Sunday Event yet.   I know I had a great time visiting and meeting new and old alike.  There was plenty of home made soup, fixings and desert.  So much I had to force myself to eat dinner.  Oh, and there was some pretty good racing too!


Which Revellograms?  Their selections are kind of all over the place.  They've got Nascar, TransAm, CanAm and a few LMP cars.  IMO the GT class is very similiar to what we are running now,  my Porsche is a GT-3 car and should be legal.  The CanAm class is intriguing, I've got a nice Ferrari 612 resin body but it needs a chassis, unfortunately it is designed to use a Slot.it Alfa chassis maybe I could make a brass chassis, hmmmmm......


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Looks like a good start, keep after it.



(3 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for the kind words Bill.  I'm hoping it was the short notice that kept the turn out on the small side otherwise I might get a complex or something.  Thanks to all who ventured forth, we enjoyed hosting another Naste event and look forward to next time.



(61 replies, posted in NASTE)

The new date for Naste Race #7 on April 23 is on Easter weekend.  I will not be able to attend due to family obligations.  Anyone else?  I was looking forward to checking out Larry's track and whatever hotrods he is letting us thrash.
