We are close to the kick-off of the 2015 NASTE Racing Season!
Our racing will start with the Nasteburgring races in Tacoma on Saturday September 13th 2014. Start thinking about carpool arrangements NOW!!!
There will be some exciting improvements for this season!
After some discussion at the Racin' & Ribs BBQ, race, and meeting it was decided the NASTE Point Series Championship (expert division), and the NASTE Challenge (amateur division) would be scored separately. The two divisions will also be divided and race independently at each NASTE race whenever possible (this will depend on attendance and the number of entries at each race).
It was also decided we would go back to the practice of allowing racers to throw out races. Meaning, only a portion of the 15 scheduled races will be scored for each racer. For the Point Series Championship or expert division racers, 10 of the 15 races will count for their point total. For an expert division racer that attends all 15 races, their 10 best finishes will count for their total points. The racer would be able to throw out 5 of his lowest scoring races. The same goes for the NASTE Challenge amateur division, with the exception of only 8 races counting for their overall score. With this format in place the expert division racers need to attend the majority of the races, but not all. The amateur racers will need to attend just over half of the races. This takes much of the pressure off trying to make all the races. It will also make for a very close points race in both divisions! I fully expect some point ties at the end of the season, so here is the last change for this year: the last race of the season will be the Shoot Out. The Shoot Out race will be held to break all ties in the point standings. This race will not be scored for series point totals, it will only decide winners of the ties. In addition there will be a Shoot Out trophy for the overall winner!
So there you have it. It should be an exciting season full of fun and close competition!